Microsoft's Director of Industry Executive (Manufacturing), Michael Walton, talks to Media 7 about their mission of empowering people

Michael Walton, Director, Industry Executive (Manufacturing) at Microsoft, takes us through his inspiring, passion-driven professional journey into the world of Information Sciences. In this interview, he sheds light on Microsoft's mission to empower every global citizen through solutions and applications that are accessible and inclusively designed. Read on to know more about the exciting event - Microsoft's Ignite, and all the innovations in store!

Many companies simply are not willing to change or think they are done once they make a change. But the truth is technology, consumer demands, the way we work, human needs and much more are constantly changing.

MEDIA 7: You have had a remarkable professional journey of over 34 years, would you please like to give us a peek into it?
Growing up my family was very poor, but very close in many ways. I wasn’t sure where to start my career but was certain I wanted to do something in Information Sciences. I pulled a computer from the apartment complex trash can one day and was able to get it working – I was inspired!  I stayed home from school the next day and learned how to do simple code and wrote my first video game. It was basic, but I knew this was the industry I wanted to be in. Additionally, my father was a World War II veteran, and our family was very patriotic. I knew I wanted to serve in the military and others. I have lived my life doing exactly what I wanted to do… served in the military, served others, and worked in Information Sciences.

M7: Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Could you please share how does Microsoft execute this?
Microsoft takes this mission to heart. It is at the core of all we do. Microsoft invests every day pushing our solutions and creating new ones to empower every person and every organization to be more productive. I see this in the manufacturers I work with where they leverage Microsoft Power BI, Dynamics Business Apps, TEAMS, Azure, and Machine Learning/AI to collect and analyze data for insights and predictions to better run their plants, supply chain, finance, and more. I witness them automating so many processes that historically were very manual, resulting in much greater efficiency. I am bearing witness to the Citizen Developer global community creating insights and efficiencies that used to take an army of consultants. Last but not least, the collaboration with TEAMS and other Microsoft tools has been so empowering for people during the pandemic. It is a truly exciting time!

I advocate business leaders get to know more about what AI can do and then leverage AI in proofs of concept.

M7: Could you please give our readers an insight into the upcoming event ‘Microsoft Ignite’ and what does it hold for the attendees?
Microsoft Ignite is a chance to “Thrive in times of change by embracing opportunities to hone technical skills, create connections, and learn new ways to innovate.”  It is November 3 and 4 this year. Anyone can attend from anywhere if they have a connection and it’s free! It is a first-class event to learn, explore, and network. Many great topics will be discussed such as Augmented Reality, Automation, Collaboration, tech skills classes & challenges, a special learning zone… all digital!  Many of our great partners will be there as well. My personal favorite aspect of Ignite is NETWORKING! You get to meet and socialize with the very best of Microsoft Engineering, Product Teams, and Partners. You can connect with them on LinkedIn and collaborate potentially in the future with them. How cool is that! You can register here - Microsoft Ignite.

M7: Would you like to tell us about the latest innovative products offered by Microsoft?
As I mentioned earlier, our mission is at the core of all we do at Microsoft. However, so is ‘accessibility and inclusive design’. This is absolutely key. I cannot share any unannounced innovations coming, but I would keep an eye out for many new hardware and cloud innovation announcements at Ignite. Many many exciting things are coming that are simply jaw-dropping!

To truly empower businesses with AI/technology business leaders must put it in the hands of everyone, not just developers and scientists, and it must be human-centric.

M7: What do you think is essential to stay competitive in a market that is going through constant digital transformation?
A couple of things: the first is the willingness to constantly change. Many companies simply are not willing to change or think they are done once they make a change. But the truth is technology, consumer demands, the way we work, human needs and much more are constantly changing. We must meet or exceed this head-on. That requires constant change. That leads me to the second: Digital technology is so empowering on so many fronts, but for it to be empowering it must be for everyone. We must allow everyone to participate and have the opportunity to ‘achieve more.’ You probably thought I was going to say something about using AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, and more, but no - being able to create a culture that is willing to deal with constant change and empowering everyone with technology to deal with it, is my answer.

M7: How do you prepare for an AI-centric world as a business leader?
AI and its use are advancing at an unprecedented pace! I absolutely adore AI. There is no question AI is making an astounding difference in businesses. I have seen it solve many big and difficult problems. AI is having a profound impact regarding evolving business models. In order to prepare for this, I advocate business leaders get to know more about what AI can do and then leverage AI in proofs of concept. This will aid a business and its business leadership to further their understanding of AI and get a feel for how their company responds. There is a great resource Microsoft created called AI Business School to provide guidance on strategy, culture, responsibility, and other critical topics for key decision-makers across industries. As business leaders work through the AI Business School and in customer relationships, we’ve seen a few companies who set the bar for what an AI-powered organization can be.

Additionally, Microsoft created the Best of Business AI 2021: to showcase customers who have shown us what it looks like to have a comprehensive strategy and execute it across the organization to create business value and momentum with digital transformation. I learn best through anecdotal and factual based evidence. The Best of Business AI 2021 builds on the frameworks from AI Business School and features 10 customers who are accelerating their AI journey by connecting a strong leadership approach to their business goals and technical capabilities. As I stated earlier, to truly empower businesses with AI/technology business leaders must put it in the hands of everyone, not just developers and scientists and it must be human-centric. At Microsoft, we have ethical AI reviews to ensure the AI being created is responsible. Here is a link to learn more about Responsible AI principles from Microsoft.


Microsoft enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. It believes that technology can and should be a force for good and that meaningful innovation can and will contribute to a brighter world in big and small ways. It thrives on diverse voices and engage its employees’ and customers’ experiences, strengths, and different points of view to inform, challenge, and stretch our thinking.

It believes that technology is a powerful force for good and are working to foster a sustainable future where everyone has access to the benefits and opportunities created by technology. It believes that, when designed with people at the center, AI can extend your capabilities, free you up for more creative and strategic endeavors, and help you or your organization achieve more. It delivers secure, private, and reliable computing experiences based on sound business practices.


‘I officially rename CRM to stand for “Consumers Really Matter”.’ says Peter Weedfald, SVP Sales & Marketing Sharp Home Electronics Company of America

Media 7 | August 26, 2022

Peter Weedfald, Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Sharp Home Electronics Company of America talks about brand, product, advertising measurements, research, customer centricity, and sales channel. Read more to know about multi-modal sales....

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Q&A with Matt Mong, VP Market Innovation and Project Business Evangelist at Adeaca

Media 7 | July 22, 2021

Matt Mong, VP Market Innovation and Project Business Evangelist at Adeaca, builds strong marketing functions for entrepreneurial SaaS/tech companies. From strategy, vision and value proposition to go-to-market and demand generation programs to the mechanics of a finely-automated marketing operations engine, he drives results through hands-on leadership....

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Q&A with John Hayes, Director of Sales at BALYO

Media 7 | July 20, 2021

John Hayes, Director of Sales at BALYO, began his professional career when he was 13 years old. In the USMC, he was exposed to the world of Avionics and eventually, built his career in AGV and AMR. With this, he developed an elaborate history in working with sales in various positions beginning as a salesperson to become the Director of Sales at Balyo. He is a well-respected and experienced thought-leader in the industry, today. ...

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‘I officially rename CRM to stand for “Consumers Really Matter”.’ says Peter Weedfald, SVP Sales & Marketing Sharp Home Electronics Company of America

Media 7 | August 26, 2022

Peter Weedfald, Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Sharp Home Electronics Company of America talks about brand, product, advertising measurements, research, customer centricity, and sales channel. Read more to know about multi-modal sales....

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Q&A with Matt Mong, VP Market Innovation and Project Business Evangelist at Adeaca

Media 7 | July 22, 2021

Matt Mong, VP Market Innovation and Project Business Evangelist at Adeaca, builds strong marketing functions for entrepreneurial SaaS/tech companies. From strategy, vision and value proposition to go-to-market and demand generation programs to the mechanics of a finely-automated marketing operations engine, he drives results through hands-on leadership....

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Q&A with John Hayes, Director of Sales at BALYO

Media 7 | July 20, 2021

John Hayes, Director of Sales at BALYO, began his professional career when he was 13 years old. In the USMC, he was exposed to the world of Avionics and eventually, built his career in AGV and AMR. With this, he developed an elaborate history in working with sales in various positions beginning as a salesperson to become the Director of Sales at Balyo. He is a well-respected and experienced thought-leader in the industry, today. ...

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Smart Factory

PsiQuantum, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Mitsubishi Chemical Announce Partnership to Design Energy-Efficient Materials on PsiQuantum’s

PsiQuantum | January 30, 2024

PsiQuantum and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group announced that they are beginning work with Mitsubishi Chemical Group on a joint project to simulate excited states of photochromic molecules which have widespread industrial and residential potential applications such as the development of smart windows, energy-efficient data storage, solar energy storage and solar cells, and other photoswitching use cases. Qlimate, a PsiQuantum-led initiative that includes MUFG as a partner, focuses on using fault-tolerant quantum computing to crack the most challenging computational problems and accelerate the development of scalable breakthroughs across climate technologies, including more energy-efficient materials. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is committed to supporting the world’s transition to a sustainable future, and to encourage industry access to the most promising breakthrough technologies. By pioneering PsiQuantum’s Qlimate solutions with industry leader Mitsubishi Chemical, MUFG is at the forefront of quantum computing for sustainability. This joint project will determine whether high-accuracy estimates of excited state properties are feasible on early-generation fault-tolerant quantum computers, specifically focusing on diarylethenes used for energy-efficient photoswitching applications. The project will allow Mitsubishi Chemical to gain early insights into how and when fault-tolerant quantum computing can be deployed in support of critical, scalable, sustainable materials. Because predicting the optical properties of materials requires complex analysis of excited states, standard algorithmic techniques for simulating these molecules (such as the Density Functional Theory, or DFT) often produce qualitatively incorrect results. The project will bring together Mitsubishi Chemical’s deep experience of computational chemistry and PsiQuantum’s leading expertise in fault-tolerant quantum computing to push the boundaries of approaching the complex physics in these systems and pave the way to developing new, more powerful energy-efficient photonic materials. Philipp Ernst, Head of Solutions at PsiQuantum, said: “PsiQuantum has dedicated teams who identify, describe and solve complex problem sets with best-in-class quantum algorithms. These are designed specifically to run on fault-tolerant quantum computers and will tackle previously-impossible computational challenges. This partnership will leverage our team’s unique know-how and Mitsubishi Chemical’s expertise in photochromic materials. We are grateful for MUFG’s visionary support in our mission to deploy high-impact quantum computing solutions to fight climate change.” Suguru Azegami, Managing Director, Sustainable Business Division, MUFG said: “We are excited to partner with PsiQuantum and Mitsubishi Chemical on our journey to explore possibilities of quantum computing technologies to solve the imminent global challenge. PsiQuantum’s vision to develop the first utility scale quantum computer before the end of the decade has inspired us, which led our initiative to participate in the Qlimate partnership as the first and sole member from Japan. Mitsubishi Chemical is leading efforts to use the cutting-edge technology to develop next generation materials and we are honored to support the company as its long term financial partner.” Qi Gao, Senior Chief Scientist, Mitsubishi Chemical said: “We are pleased to be part of the partnership and are grateful for MUFG’s support. Mitsubishi Chemical’s over 40 years background in computational chemistry and PsiQuantum’s domain specific knowledge for quantum control is a great fit with the collaboration effort of improving calculation accuracy on quantum device. We hope the partnership will accelerate the innovation of revolutionizing computational studies in chemistry and materials science.” About PsiQuantum PsiQuantum is a private company, founded in 2015 and headquartered in Palo Alto, California. The company’s only mission is to build and deploy the world’s first useful, large-scale quantum computer. Many teams around the world today have demonstrated prototype quantum computing systems, but it is widely accepted that much larger systems are necessary in order to unlock transformational applications across drug discovery, climate technologies, finance, transportation, security & defense and beyond. PsiQuantum’s photonic approach enables rapid scaling via direct leverage of high-volume semiconductor manufacturing and cryogenic infrastructure. The company is partnered with the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University and Sci-Tech Daresbury in the United Kingdom. About Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) is one of the world’s leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with over 360 years of history, MUFG has a global network with approximately 2,000 locations in more than 50 countries. The Group has about 160,000 employees and offers services including commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, and leasing. The Group aims to “be the world’s most trusted financial group” through close collaboration among our operating companies and flexibly respond to all of the financial needs of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better world. MUFG’s shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York stock exchanges. About the Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation (TSE: 4188) is a specialty materials group with an unwavering commitment to lead with innovative solutions to achieve KAITEKI, the well-being of people and the planet. We bring deep expertise and material science leadership in core market segments such as mobility, digital, medical and food. In this way, we enable industry transformation, technology breakthroughs, and longer, more fruitful lives for us all. Together, around 70,000 employees worldwide provide advanced chemistry-based solutions to deliver the core elements of our slogan — “Science. Value. Life.”

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Lean Manufacturing

Allient Announces Acquisition of SNC Manufacturing

Allient Inc. | January 15, 2024

Allient Inc. a global designer and manufacturer of precision and specialty Motion, Controls and Power products and solutions for targeted industries and applications, today announced the acquisition of SNC Manufacturing Co., Inc. (“SNC”), a premier designer and global manufacturer of electrical transformers serving blue-chip customers in defense, industrial automation, alternative power generation and energy, including electric utilities and renewable energy. SNC’s offerings are complementary to Allient’s current power quality capabilities while also providing needed incremental, low-cost manufacturing capacity. SNC will become a Technology Unit of Allient within the Allied Power Technology Pillar and will report to Ashish Bendre, Corporate VP and Group President. Richard S. Warzala, Chairman, President and CEO of Allient, commented, “SNC is a solid addition to our Allied Power pillar. In addition to extending our capabilities in the clean power industry, SNC will provide us broader and deeper reach into industrial automation, defense, medical and in the energy and alternative energy markets. The business will also provide expanded opportunities to leverage sales channels and, additionally, we will gain much-needed manufacturing capacity and expertise to further grow our power quality business. And lastly, we are confident that through the utilization of Allient Systematic Tools we are in a good position to leverage our expertise to drive productivity and margin improvements over time. “We are honored that John Vette III, selected Allient to carry the legacy of SNC forward after owning and leading the Company for 50+ years. John has built a strong leadership team and Jim Koepke the current President and COO of SNC will continue to lead SNC under Allient as the VP and General Manager of the Technology Unit. Jim will report directly to Ashish Bendre. We are confident that under the leadership of Ashish and Jim, the opportunities for Allied Power with this new addition will be greatly accelerated. We welcome the leadership team and the entire SNC workforce to the Allient family and we look forward to continued growth and success in the future.” Founded in 1946, SNC is headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with approximately 440 employees in three locations. With approximately $40 million in revenue for the trailing twelve months, the business has other manufacturing facilities in Mexico and China. SNC’s leadership team will be staying with the business. About Allient Inc. Allient is a global engineering and manufacturing enterprise that develops solutions to drive the future of market-moving industries, including medical, life sciences, aerospace and defense, industrial automation, robotics, semi-conductor, transportation, agriculture, construction and facility infrastructure. A family of globally responsible companies, Allient takes a One-Team approach to “Connect What Matters” and provides the most robust, reliable, and high-value products and systems by utilizing its core Motion, Controls, and Power technologies and platforms.

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Additive Manufacturing

Teledyne Relays Unveils Innovative Multi-Function Timer Series

Teledyne Relays, Inc. | January 29, 2024

Teledyne Relays, a leading provider of cutting-edge relay solutions, introduces its new Multi-Function Timer product series, showcasing the company's commitment to delivering advanced, reliable, and versatile solutions for the industrial automation sector. Teledyne Relays Multi-Function Timer MFT series is a state-of-the-art solution designed for a wide variety of applications that demand precise timing control. The user-friendly design features three potentiometers for easy selection of timing functions and ranges, while the LEDs provide at-a-glance feedback of timing and relay status. The MFT series also features 7 selectable timing functions for a wide variety of applications Timing ranges from 0.1 seconds up to 100 hours Compact 17.5mm housing preserves valuable panel space Supply Voltages: 24VDC & 24-240VAC OR 12-240VAC/DC 5A SPDT output relay Engineered with the needs of electrical engineers, panel builders, and automation engineers in mind, these timers find application in various industries, including but not limited to Industrial Automation Manufacturing Process Control Systems HVAC and Refrigeration Agriculture and Irrigation Power Distribution “With the new Multi-Function Timer series, Teledyne Relays continues to lead in providing reliable and versatile solutions for industrial automation, ensuring precise timing control,” said Michael Palakian, Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing at Teledyne Relays. The Multi-Function Timer series from Teledyne Relays ensures precise timing control, offering unparalleled reliability across diverse applications and is available for ordering from Teledyne Relays or an authorized distributor. About Teledyne Relays Teledyne Relays is a world leader in high-performance coaxial switches, electromechanical, and solid-state relays, offering a wide range of solutions for various applications in the aerospace and defense, telecommunications, test and measurement, and industrial markets. With over 60 years of experience, Teledyne Relay has established a reputation for quality, reliability, and customer service excellence. About Teledyne Defense Electronics Serving Defense, Space and Commercial sectors worldwide, Teledyne Defense Electronics offers a comprehensive portfolio of highly engineered solutions that meet your most demanding requirements in the harshest environments. Manufacturing both custom and off-the-shelf product offerings, our diverse product lines meet emerging needs for key applications for avionics, energetics, electronic warfare, missiles, radar, satcom, space and test and measurement.

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Smart Factory

PsiQuantum, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Mitsubishi Chemical Announce Partnership to Design Energy-Efficient Materials on PsiQuantum’s

PsiQuantum | January 30, 2024

PsiQuantum and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group announced that they are beginning work with Mitsubishi Chemical Group on a joint project to simulate excited states of photochromic molecules which have widespread industrial and residential potential applications such as the development of smart windows, energy-efficient data storage, solar energy storage and solar cells, and other photoswitching use cases. Qlimate, a PsiQuantum-led initiative that includes MUFG as a partner, focuses on using fault-tolerant quantum computing to crack the most challenging computational problems and accelerate the development of scalable breakthroughs across climate technologies, including more energy-efficient materials. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is committed to supporting the world’s transition to a sustainable future, and to encourage industry access to the most promising breakthrough technologies. By pioneering PsiQuantum’s Qlimate solutions with industry leader Mitsubishi Chemical, MUFG is at the forefront of quantum computing for sustainability. This joint project will determine whether high-accuracy estimates of excited state properties are feasible on early-generation fault-tolerant quantum computers, specifically focusing on diarylethenes used for energy-efficient photoswitching applications. The project will allow Mitsubishi Chemical to gain early insights into how and when fault-tolerant quantum computing can be deployed in support of critical, scalable, sustainable materials. Because predicting the optical properties of materials requires complex analysis of excited states, standard algorithmic techniques for simulating these molecules (such as the Density Functional Theory, or DFT) often produce qualitatively incorrect results. The project will bring together Mitsubishi Chemical’s deep experience of computational chemistry and PsiQuantum’s leading expertise in fault-tolerant quantum computing to push the boundaries of approaching the complex physics in these systems and pave the way to developing new, more powerful energy-efficient photonic materials. Philipp Ernst, Head of Solutions at PsiQuantum, said: “PsiQuantum has dedicated teams who identify, describe and solve complex problem sets with best-in-class quantum algorithms. These are designed specifically to run on fault-tolerant quantum computers and will tackle previously-impossible computational challenges. This partnership will leverage our team’s unique know-how and Mitsubishi Chemical’s expertise in photochromic materials. We are grateful for MUFG’s visionary support in our mission to deploy high-impact quantum computing solutions to fight climate change.” Suguru Azegami, Managing Director, Sustainable Business Division, MUFG said: “We are excited to partner with PsiQuantum and Mitsubishi Chemical on our journey to explore possibilities of quantum computing technologies to solve the imminent global challenge. PsiQuantum’s vision to develop the first utility scale quantum computer before the end of the decade has inspired us, which led our initiative to participate in the Qlimate partnership as the first and sole member from Japan. Mitsubishi Chemical is leading efforts to use the cutting-edge technology to develop next generation materials and we are honored to support the company as its long term financial partner.” Qi Gao, Senior Chief Scientist, Mitsubishi Chemical said: “We are pleased to be part of the partnership and are grateful for MUFG’s support. Mitsubishi Chemical’s over 40 years background in computational chemistry and PsiQuantum’s domain specific knowledge for quantum control is a great fit with the collaboration effort of improving calculation accuracy on quantum device. We hope the partnership will accelerate the innovation of revolutionizing computational studies in chemistry and materials science.” About PsiQuantum PsiQuantum is a private company, founded in 2015 and headquartered in Palo Alto, California. The company’s only mission is to build and deploy the world’s first useful, large-scale quantum computer. Many teams around the world today have demonstrated prototype quantum computing systems, but it is widely accepted that much larger systems are necessary in order to unlock transformational applications across drug discovery, climate technologies, finance, transportation, security & defense and beyond. PsiQuantum’s photonic approach enables rapid scaling via direct leverage of high-volume semiconductor manufacturing and cryogenic infrastructure. The company is partnered with the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University and Sci-Tech Daresbury in the United Kingdom. About Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) is one of the world’s leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with over 360 years of history, MUFG has a global network with approximately 2,000 locations in more than 50 countries. The Group has about 160,000 employees and offers services including commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, and leasing. The Group aims to “be the world’s most trusted financial group” through close collaboration among our operating companies and flexibly respond to all of the financial needs of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better world. MUFG’s shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York stock exchanges. About the Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation (TSE: 4188) is a specialty materials group with an unwavering commitment to lead with innovative solutions to achieve KAITEKI, the well-being of people and the planet. We bring deep expertise and material science leadership in core market segments such as mobility, digital, medical and food. In this way, we enable industry transformation, technology breakthroughs, and longer, more fruitful lives for us all. Together, around 70,000 employees worldwide provide advanced chemistry-based solutions to deliver the core elements of our slogan — “Science. Value. Life.”

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Lean Manufacturing

Allient Announces Acquisition of SNC Manufacturing

Allient Inc. | January 15, 2024

Allient Inc. a global designer and manufacturer of precision and specialty Motion, Controls and Power products and solutions for targeted industries and applications, today announced the acquisition of SNC Manufacturing Co., Inc. (“SNC”), a premier designer and global manufacturer of electrical transformers serving blue-chip customers in defense, industrial automation, alternative power generation and energy, including electric utilities and renewable energy. SNC’s offerings are complementary to Allient’s current power quality capabilities while also providing needed incremental, low-cost manufacturing capacity. SNC will become a Technology Unit of Allient within the Allied Power Technology Pillar and will report to Ashish Bendre, Corporate VP and Group President. Richard S. Warzala, Chairman, President and CEO of Allient, commented, “SNC is a solid addition to our Allied Power pillar. In addition to extending our capabilities in the clean power industry, SNC will provide us broader and deeper reach into industrial automation, defense, medical and in the energy and alternative energy markets. The business will also provide expanded opportunities to leverage sales channels and, additionally, we will gain much-needed manufacturing capacity and expertise to further grow our power quality business. And lastly, we are confident that through the utilization of Allient Systematic Tools we are in a good position to leverage our expertise to drive productivity and margin improvements over time. “We are honored that John Vette III, selected Allient to carry the legacy of SNC forward after owning and leading the Company for 50+ years. John has built a strong leadership team and Jim Koepke the current President and COO of SNC will continue to lead SNC under Allient as the VP and General Manager of the Technology Unit. Jim will report directly to Ashish Bendre. We are confident that under the leadership of Ashish and Jim, the opportunities for Allied Power with this new addition will be greatly accelerated. We welcome the leadership team and the entire SNC workforce to the Allient family and we look forward to continued growth and success in the future.” Founded in 1946, SNC is headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with approximately 440 employees in three locations. With approximately $40 million in revenue for the trailing twelve months, the business has other manufacturing facilities in Mexico and China. SNC’s leadership team will be staying with the business. About Allient Inc. Allient is a global engineering and manufacturing enterprise that develops solutions to drive the future of market-moving industries, including medical, life sciences, aerospace and defense, industrial automation, robotics, semi-conductor, transportation, agriculture, construction and facility infrastructure. A family of globally responsible companies, Allient takes a One-Team approach to “Connect What Matters” and provides the most robust, reliable, and high-value products and systems by utilizing its core Motion, Controls, and Power technologies and platforms.

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Microsoft Corp

Microsoft enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. It believes that technology can and should be a force for good and that meaningful innovation can and wil...

