Marketing Innovation Drives Growth in Manufacturing

As manufacturers struggle to grow topline revenue, savvy manufacturers are turning to marketing as the new driver for growth. Customers and prospects turn to the web for their information, now making marketing front and center in engaging, providing your distinct value and ultimately leading the conversation to sales.
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FEA Analysis, 3D Printing, Bone Daggers, and Football Helmets - How researching the past impacts the future


Join mechanical engineer and Denver University researcher Sam Mills as he shares the story of his part in the study of bone daggers, what understanding their material properties taught him about the history of the people of New Guinea and the future the biomedical engineering and how 3D printing played a role in the journey.
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Justifying a 3D Printer Investment for Rapid Prototyping


Learn how to justify the cost of a 3D printer with information that gives decision makers clear, measurable metrics on the investment’s return. Listen in this webinar as industry expert Todd Grimm explains the key strategies of Substitution, Augmentation and Extension using industry examples.
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How Companies are Using 3D Printed Injection Molds to Economically Test Functional Prototypes

Advanced Manufacturing

3D printing injection molds take just a day or two, compared with six to eight weeks required to produce a metal mold. Of course, they don’t have the longevity of CNC molds, but these durable plastic versions can be used to create components in their final materials in order to check functionality and material properties.
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How Ford is Optimizing Manufacturing with 3D-Printed Tooling and Fixtures


Jigs and fixtures are a mainstay of manufacturing and make production and assembly processes simpler and more reliable, reducing lead times and improving worker safety. Ford Motor Company has compared 3D-printed jigs and fixtures to conventional machining, finding they take less time and cost a fraction to produce.
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