Transform Your Manufacturing Business Model with IIoT

September 23, 2017

No two factories are the same. They vary in size, in the products they make – from high precision devices to commodity products – and in the volumes they produce. But all manufacturers, who want to stay competitive, share the challenge of needing to incorporate the Internet of Things (IoT) into their products and facilities and enabling their staff to use and exploit it.


Ricoh Electronics, Inc.

Ricoh is a global technology company specializing in office imaging equipment, production print solutions, document management systems and IT services. Headquartered in Tokyo, Ricoh Group operates in more than 200 countries and regions. In the financial year ending March 2012, Ricoh Group had worldwide sales of 1,903 billion yen (approx. 23 billion USD).

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Intelligent factories: toward a new frontier

whitePaper | June 3, 2022

Instantly appears in many people’s minds is of a production plant run entirely by robots. But robotics is only part of the overall technology stack that will enable today’s factories meet the demands of tomorrow’s markets. In just a few decades, industrial manufacturing has changed dramatically in the continuous effort to keep pace with ever increasing market demands. Basically, this transition has occurred in three distinct phases, each with its own pathway to success.

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Artificial Intelligence In Manufacturing

whitePaper | November 2, 2022

This white paper entitled "Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing" reports the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in European manufacturing, and its potential to enhance competitiveness and technological leadership in the future. The paper is based on research conducted by the Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing NETwork (AIM-NET), which represents the viewpoint of the manufacturing community on the achievements and challenges of AI solutions. The document covers topics such as AI in manufacturing processes, robots, machines, and operations support in manufacturing, and AI in manufacturing systems. It also includes discussions on cross-cutting aspects such as regulation, education, systems engineering, and data augmentation. The paper also presents the maturity achieved TRL levels of existing AI-based applications in manufacturing, typical KPIs used to assess performance, and barriers and limitations to wide adoption. It also provides a roadmap for future work on AI, with efforts needed in short-term and long-term time horizons. Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current status and future vision of AI in manufacturing for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers.

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A Fresh Look At Industry 4.0 For Manufacturing

whitePaper | May 25, 2022

This white paper takes a fresh look at the vision for Industry 4.0 and suggests ways in which to take advantage of the broad view of the concept. Implementations of Industry 4.0 have mostly focused on using new technologies for economic benefits. Sustainability and social aspects have received less attention, despite their importance and potential for economic benefit as well, as we will show.

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whitePaper | June 2, 2022

For decades, energy-intensive commodity businesses for paper and packaging aimed for better process control, leading to higher product quality with less energy consumption. This would help to both reduce costs and maintain a healthier environment. A plethora of concepts and devices were invented to control the production and verify or predict the product quality. This approach had some measure of success, but it had its limits.

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Unlocking Value from Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

whitePaper | December 12, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) can enable a new era in the digital transformation journey, offering tremendous potential to transform industries for greater efficiency, sustainability and workforce engagement. Even though the impact of AI applications in manufacturing and value chains is known, the full opportunity from their deployment is still to be uncovered due to a number of organizational and technical roadblocks. Recognizing this need, the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains and Platform for Shaping the Future of Technology Governance: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, together with the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Türkiye, convened industry, technology and academic experts to shed light on these challenges and propose a step-by-step approach to overcome them.

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Facts about the true state of the art of 3d construction printing

whitePaper | December 13, 2019

Winsun has a 3D construction printer installed in their factory in Suzhou, China, that produces elements by 3D printing. The elements are then transported to and assembled at the building site to form the building structure. Hence, Winsun is actually 3D printing precast elements and do not 3D print on the building site. Therefore, when Winsun claimed to have done 10 buildings in 10 days, it actually meant, that they assembled 10 buildings in 10 days, out of elements 3D printed in the factory long before.

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Ricoh Electronics, Inc.

Ricoh is a global technology company specializing in office imaging equipment, production print solutions, document management systems and IT services. Headquartered in Tokyo, Ricoh Group operates in more than 200 countries and regions. In the financial year ending March 2012, Ricoh Group had worldwide sales of 1,903 billion yen (approx. 23 billion USD).
