Manufacturing Software for Industry 4.0

November 6, 2017

Industry 4.0 offers an unprecedented opportunity for transformational success, but companies must have plant floor software that is ready for that journey. The fact that Industry 4.0 is already predicted means companies can prepare themselves now.


Alps Electric

Alps Electric (Tokyo: 6770) is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality electronic components for mobile devices, home electronics, vehicles and industrial equipment. With the philosophy of “Perfecting the Art of Electronics” Alps Electric supplies over 40,000 different components to about 2,000 companies all over the world.

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whitePaper | October 23, 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will increase the level of intelligence in the manufacturing industry by promoting, inter alia, the matching of production and demand, improving quality inspection, increasing product yield, reducing product failure rates, and improving production efficiency.1 While the last decade of Industry 4.0 was determined by technology-driven innovation, the coming years will focus on data- and intelligence-driven innovation. In this perspective, AI is an enabler for the transition from smart factories towards intelligent factories with self-optimising and self-healing characteristics. While smart factories are capable of applying previously acquired knowledge, intelligent factories will be able to autonomously acquire new knowledge and apply it for self-optimisation purposes.

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Digital Transformation: Why and How to Build a Digital Future

whitePaper | February 4, 2022

Digitalization is an evolving process that took roots several decades ago. The first business computers and data storage units emerged in the 1950s. In the 1960s, companies invested in databases and automated processes to make reservations and plan materials or to gain easier access to schedules/inventories, MRP was born in response to the Toyota Production Systems and Methods. In the 1970s, banking experienced its first digital advancement with the invention of ATMs, which ignited a major digitization trend

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A New World of Innovation

whitePaper | November 30, 2021

There has been a fundamental shift in product innovation. Not merely a revolution in materials or design, but a revolution of possibilities. Advanced software technologies such as artificial intelligence have given us a peek of what could be, enabled by methods to deliver the speed that turn worldchanging ideas into reality. We’ve now reached an event horizon — one where semiconductors and software actually have the ability to bring about the most uplifting advances in the history of humankind. Thanks to this leap forward, chip technology and a new era of product transformation are poised to take us places previously unimaginable

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Device Manufacturing and Provisioning with X.509 Certificates in AWS IoT Core

whitePaper | November 17, 2022

Amazon's trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not Amazon's, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Amazon. All other trademarks not owned by Amazon are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Amazon.

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Artificial Intelligence In Manufacturing

whitePaper | November 2, 2022

This white paper entitled "Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing" reports the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in European manufacturing, and its potential to enhance competitiveness and technological leadership in the future. The paper is based on research conducted by the Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing NETwork (AIM-NET), which represents the viewpoint of the manufacturing community on the achievements and challenges of AI solutions. The document covers topics such as AI in manufacturing processes, robots, machines, and operations support in manufacturing, and AI in manufacturing systems. It also includes discussions on cross-cutting aspects such as regulation, education, systems engineering, and data augmentation. The paper also presents the maturity achieved TRL levels of existing AI-based applications in manufacturing, typical KPIs used to assess performance, and barriers and limitations to wide adoption. It also provides a roadmap for future work on AI, with efforts needed in short-term and long-term time horizons. Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current status and future vision of AI in manufacturing for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers.

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Share to Gain: Unlocking Data Value in Manufacturing

whitePaper | January 13, 2020

Emerging technologies, such as advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, are transforming the world of production and creating new opportunities for industry, society and the environment. Data is critical, as is companies ability to manage it effectively. While manufacturers are making strides in this area, most focus on data within their companies and have difficulty maximizing their return on investment and driving innovation at scale.

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Alps Electric

Alps Electric (Tokyo: 6770) is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality electronic components for mobile devices, home electronics, vehicles and industrial equipment. With the philosophy of “Perfecting the Art of Electronics” Alps Electric supplies over 40,000 different components to about 2,000 companies all over the world.
