Industrial IoT platform: Make vs. Buy

August 1, 2020

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in manufacturing is now an imperative to staying competitive. This means that becoming a digital enterprise is a requirement, as Bain & Company estimates the IIoT to have a $200B market potential by 2021. Organizations face a choice of building their own IoT platform or buying a pre-built platform. Read this joint Microsoft and Siemens white paper, "Make vs. Buy: Understanding the Tradeoffs Between a Build-Your-Own and Pre-Built Industrial IoT Platform," to learn the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, and get an understanding of how other manufacturers have gotten started.


Fischer SA

Founded in 1932, the Fischer Group is a multinational Brazilian company that generates millions of dollars in exports for Brazil. The Fischer Group is dedicated to the production and processing of oranges and the exportation of orange juice while utilizing the most state of the art technology in all phases of its business.

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The Road to IIoT Maturity in Machine Manufacturing

whitePaper | October 1, 2022

Smart Industry and Industry 4.0 mark the era in which industries are constantly shifting towards the latest technologies. Companies now need to focus on their digital transformation to stand out from their competitors. By equipping machines with sensors, software and other smart devices and connecting them to the internet we are able to monitor and manage them from a distance.

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Lean manufacturing in the age of the Industrial Internet

whitePaper | May 3, 2023

From Henry Ford’s moving assembly line to Taiichi Ohno’s Toyota production system, now known as lean production, manufacturers globally have constantly strived to make their operations better. The concept of lean, widely known for its tools to eliminate non-value added processes, has been at the forefront of management for the last five decades.

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whitePaper | July 6, 2020

In a recent global survey of approximately 200 manufacturers, participants revealed a desire to realize the alluring promise of smart manufacturing. Their success hinges on three factors: their ability to identify what will improve the business and articulate the desired outcomes, select transformative technology to optimize company processes, and implement that technology to fully realize the anticipated value. This study from Plex Systems, developed with the support of LNS Research, explores common manufacturing challenges alongside evolving technology solutions, with an eye toward creating a blueprint that helps companies successfully navigate and achieve business transformation.

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Metal 3D Printing Fundamentals

whitePaper | June 29, 2023

In recent years, metal 3D printing has risen to prominence as a fabrication method of the future. The technology has shown promise and generated hype — however, until recently it didn’t provide enough value for most businesses to consider adopting. Today, metal 3D printing has become more accessible, scalable, and robust.

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7 Quick wins for an agile manufacturing future

whitePaper | August 15, 2022

It is clear that for many businesses, with legacy assets and requirements for urgent investment in other areas, the goals of Industry 4.0 can seem further away than ever. Many of the smart manufacturing ideas and strategies that are discussed assume a base level of automation and integration that are much easier to achieve in greenfield sites that have be

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whitePaper | November 23, 2022

American manufacturing is a quintessential industry and represents 11.39 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (the overall output of the American economy), contributing significantly: every $1 spent in manufacturing adds $2.47 to the economy.1 The sector makes a disproportionate economic contribution, too, including 20 percent of the nation’s capital investment, 35 percent of productivity growth, 60 percent of exports, and 70 percent of business R&D spending.2 Since there are almost 300,000 factories in the United States, the economy benefits greatly from manufacturers. To ensure these companies remain competitive, adopting new technologies is imperative. To that end, companies must also determine what tools and software will be necessary to most effectively leverage these new technologies.

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Fischer SA

Founded in 1932, the Fischer Group is a multinational Brazilian company that generates millions of dollars in exports for Brazil. The Fischer Group is dedicated to the production and processing of oranges and the exportation of orange juice while utilizing the most state of the art technology in all phases of its business.
