Manufacturing Technology

Addressing electric vehicle manufacturing challenges

June 1, 2023

Addressing electric vehicle manufacturing challenges
This rapid shift from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs has brought a huge opportunity for automobile manufacturers to scale up their EV production. However, this is posing challenges for automobile manufacturers, as they need to invest heavily in a short time span for EV design, development, manufacturing, selling and servicing infrastructure. There are additional challenges related to battery cost, supply chain complexities and manufacturing infrastructure. Contract manufacturing is becoming an increasingly important strategy for EV manufacturers.


Mazak Europe

The World's Leading CNC Machine Tool Manufacturer. Mazak Europe is the European manufacturing, sales and support arm of the leading international machine tool builder, Yamazaki Mazak Corporation. Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, found 1919, is the world's largest producer of computer-controlled metal cutting machine tools with annual sales of over 1.5 billion Euro.

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whitePaper | August 22, 2022

The coronavirus pandemic that unfolded in 2020 and which is still yet to be fully under control, has had dramatic impacts in every aspect of our daily lives, from the way we work to the way we interact socially and to how organizations are structured. Some of its impacts are yet to be fully grasped, as several new studies provide further evidence of significant changes, ranging from its impact on our health to the way we learn and to how companies have been required to redefine their work model.

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whitePaper | November 22, 2022

Manufacturers are facing a time of unprecedented challenges. Global supply chains are being stressed by rapidly shifting political and macroeconomic environments. Customer expectations are rising and loyalty is waning. And the pace of digital transformation is putting growing pressure on organisations that are often still dependent on legacy systems.

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An Industry 4.0 Framework to create Smart and Sustainable Factories

whitePaper | September 10, 2022

From the very beginning, SmarterChain’s vision has been to democratize top-tier supply chain knowledge and expertise. Through the years, we have been fortunate to work with best-in-class organizations and academic institutions and understand the importance of easy and systemic access to practical, top-tier strategic advice. As a plan of action designed to achieve a longterm ambition, strategy is what makes or any type of organization from a company, a nation, or an individual. The word ‘strategy’ itself comes from the ancient Greek words for ‘army’ (‘stratos’) and ‘lead’ (‘egy’) – it means leading your army into battle. And, as such, strategy is about the leadership required to make big ambitions a reality. For centuries, the biggest, most influential organizations and companies have led with radical approaches that have shaped the way we do business, as well as how we teach business to future generations.

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Will Robotic Automation Lead to a Lights-Out-Warehouse

whitePaper | March 16, 2022

What is lights-out warehousing? The simple answer is a facility without people. One that relies entirely on automated equipment, to the point that no manual touches are necessary. With no employees required on the floor, operations do not need to turn the lights on, hence the term “lights-out warehousing.”

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Using Digital Networks to Drive Business Transformation in Automotive and Manufacturing

whitePaper | November 12, 2019

Today’s economies are changing dramatically, driven by developing and emerging markets, innovative products and business models, and the accelerated rise of advanced technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Globally, the automotive and manufacturing segments have seen record-setting profits over the past decade-and also transformative change.

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Optimizing Investments in Automotive Manufacturing: Avoiding Unexpected Change Costs

whitePaper | August 30, 2022

Unexpected change costs in automotive manufacturing investment projects can quickly lead to spiraling costs and delays in production unless carefully managed. Any changes to production schedules and machinery must be meticulously planned. But without the correct information to base a plan, problems may multiply instead of being resolved.

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Mazak Europe

The World's Leading CNC Machine Tool Manufacturer. Mazak Europe is the European manufacturing, sales and support arm of the leading international machine tool builder, Yamazaki Mazak Corporation. Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, found 1919, is the world's largest producer of computer-controlled metal cutting machine tools with annual sales of over 1.5 billion Euro.
