Our conference is a game-changing experience for those looking to sharpen their skills or deepen their automation knowledge. Come learn from accomplished industry professionals who are shaping the future of automation and get practical solutions you can leverage right away.



Advance Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference

May 13-16, 2024 | USA

ASMC brings together manufacturers, equipment and materials suppliers, and academia to solve manufacturing challenges with innovative strategies and methodologies.

Additive Manufacturing Users Group Conference

March 10-14, 2024 | USA

Attendees, please click the button to register. AMUG Conference attendee registration provides access to all conference events and sessions along with all food and beverage for the week.

North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC)

June 12-16, 2024 | USA

NAMRC advances the scientific foundation of discrete-parts manufacturing leading to next-generation applications of emerging and innovative technology in material removal, forming and additive manufacturing processes and machines, and cyber-physical systems.

Advancing Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference - ASMC

May 13-16, 2024 | USA

ASMC is the leading international technical conference for discussing solutions that improve the collective manufacturing expertise of the semiconductor industry. Solving the challenges presented by semiconductor manufacturing is a combined effort by device makers, equipment and materials suppliers, and academics. ASMC provides an unparalleled platform for semiconductor professionals to network and learn the latest in the practical application of advanced manufacturing strategies and methodologies. Technical presentations at ASMC highlight industry innovations with specific results, and select ASMC manuscripts are published in the ASMC Special Section of IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing.