Using APIs to Break the Barriers of Smart Manufacturing

The #1 barrier to Smart Manufacturing is the lack of connectivity between your systems and processes. The smartest manufacturers are jumping ahead of competitors by using APIs to break through these barriers and get critical data flowing instantly to the right people at the right time. Are you using APIs for this?
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Harness Production Data to Improve Performance

Learn how one of the top biopharmaceutical companies is harnessing digital production data in new, innovative ways to enhance real-time visibility and responsiveness, accelerate production performance improvement and maintain the highest quality. Join us for this webinar where you will learn the five best practices for implementing an IIoT strategy and gain insight into the key manufacturing trends for 2023.
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Trends and Strategies Driving Manufacturing Success in 2019


Though the manufacturing sector has seen strong growth over the last few years, recent data indicates some slowing. The inability to attract talent in a tight labor market, rising prices, and trade anxieties are just some of the challenges to growth that manufacturers will continue to face in 2019. Yet at the same time, digital disruption is creating new opportunities for manufacturers as they embrace evolving technologies.
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Dig Into the Role and Measurement of Particle Size and Shape in Powder Bed AM

Additive manufacturing (AM) is currently revolutionizing the manufacturing world, as it can be used to produce more complex and lighter parts while reducing waste when compared to traditional approaches. In powder bed fusion processes—such as SLS, SLM and EBM—materials are selectively fused layer-by-layer to form a three-dimensional part. However, the properties of that part are highly dependent on the properties of the powder feedstock used, including particle size and shape.
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Webinar: Manufacturing Trends & riteSCAN Labor Track


Watch this 30-minute webinar to learn about manufacturing trends & get a sneak peek of the new riteSCAN Labor Track Module! Efficient manufacturing, faster data collection with improved job tracking, and better visibility into your business. As labor costs continue to rise and customer expectations for shorter lead times grow, you don’t have time to waste.
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