Engineering Design and Manufacturing Automation Webinar

In this webinar, you will be introduced to the Engineering Design and Manufacturing Automation with Solid Edge courses. Both courses can be used as a stand-alone, full-year course, or taught in a semester. Either way, they are a great foundation for any secondary or post-secondary program.
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Additive Manufacturing and Materials Characterization Today and into the Future

America Makes

The ability to obtain, analyze and apply meaningful insights from materials characterization within additive manufacturing can be overwhelming. This webinar will include a panel discussion with our technical experts to understand our organization’s journey from traditional materials R&D into additive manufacturing, and the wide array of options available for materials characterization today and in the future.
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Smart Manufacturing in the Cloud


The digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is underway in all aspects of the value chain and the cloud is at the center of this change. Learn how global manufacturing companies are realizing the business value of AWS IoT, High-Performance Compute, Data Lakes, Machine Learning, and other AWS services.
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Investing in Industry 4.0

Horizons ETFs

Our world is changing fast thanks to disruptive technologies. New technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics and the internet of things are driving forward economic and social change. Industry 4.0 represents the merging of the physical with the digital world. So how can your investment portfolio keep pace?
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Manufacturing Considerations for Virus Filtration Processes Using Planova BioEX

BioProcess International Magazine

Viral clearance of biopharmaceutical- and plasma-derived therapeutics is an important regulatory requirement that ensures patient safety. Although there are many viral clearance strategies and technologies that can be deployed, size exclusion filtration remains the gold standard in virus removal.
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