An Engineer's Guide to Low-Volume Injection Molding and Digital Inspections

This presentation shares how product designers and engineers can use on-demand manufacturing to accelerate speed to market and reduce total cost of ownership. We’ll also take a look at digital inspection reporting and its advantages over conventional quality documentation.
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Make Data Make Sense: Why Data Context and Quality are the Keys to Successful Digital Transformation

With competitors growing into your area of operations, it’s critical to ensure that your manufacturing facilities are running efficiently, training and retaining employees effectively, and, most importantly, scaling. For this to happen, manufacturers need to know everything about their factory floor and its operation in various situations. And the best way to keep a finger on the pulse of your operation is through your data.
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As-A-Service, At Your Service: Exploring Robotics and Software Services

Is there service that we cannot subscribe to in manufacturing? Robots as a service, software as a service, sensors as a service…well maybe not, or maybe? Spare parts, tooling, maintenance as a service? What about the entire automation system or line “as a service”? Can we pay by bitcoin and operate by blockchain, pay by the minute or remunerate as the items are produced? What are some of the trends and what does the future look like as manufacturers seek innovative ways to move capex to pay-for-service models?
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Reaching Operational Excellence with Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

The current market has faced challenge after challenge over the last few years. With the pressure to continually adapt and push past adversity, manufacturers need solutions that relieve this stress. In addition, manufacturers are constantly working to improve productivity and product quality while enhancing workforce safety and meeting the changing needs of consumers at the lowest possible cost. To be successful in this environment, companies require cutting-edge technologies that connect back office engineering and on-site operations, ensuring peak operational efficiency.
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From Prototype to Production: Full-Lifecycle Advanced Manufacturing Solutions

Advanced Manufacturing

Moving beyond 3D printed prototypes into full-scale production requires direct access to the tools of modern manufacturing. While many organizations see the advantages of expanding their product development capabilities, most struggle to implement a full-lifecycle view of their manufacturing processes. Find out how successful companies are using integrated manufacturing processes to speed up production, reduce waste, and advance design while saving valuable time and money.
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