Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing: Five Key Principles

March 29, 2022

Lean Manufacturing
Lean manufacturing is a method of reducing waste.
It adds value by eliminating unnecessary elements.
The five lean principles are inspired by the Toyota
Production System, which is a framework for
eliminating waste.


Pollen AM

Pollen AM has developed Pam Technology (Pellet Additive Manufacturing): a scalable production mean that allows industrials to reduce lead-time without any equivalent on the market. Pam is a 3D printing technology using pellets raw materials, the same as injection moulding and allows to produce parts throughout all phases of products life cycle with a referenced and validated material.

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Pollen AM

Pollen AM has developed Pam Technology (Pellet Additive Manufacturing): a scalable production mean that allows industrials to reduce lead-time without any equivalent on the market. Pam is a 3D printing technology using pellets raw materials, the same as injection moulding and allows to produce parts throughout all phases of products life cycle with a referenced and validated material.
