State of Industrial Media: 2022 and Beyond

Lew Weiss, founder of Jacket Media Co, host of Manufacturing Talk Radio and publisher of Manufacturing Outlook.

No longer is content consumed as a form of education, professional development, or comparative analysis. Solution-seekers perform a Google Search, find matches based on the algorithms of search engine optimized rankings. There is no triangulation. Top ten rankings constitute information gathering, little else. Out of sight, out of mind.

This is neither good nor bad; it is. In this vast media paradigmatic shift, survivors of the media miasma live by the maxim: eat or be eaten. Many in the media have failed to look ahead. Many keep running content that could have been authored twenty years ago. No contemporaneous insights, contexts, or prognostication are offered. Just more of the same.


State of Industrial Media: 2022 and Beyond

Thomas R. Cutler, who founded the 9000+ member Manufacturing Media Consortium in 1999 and has authored more than 8000 articles in that time span; he has been working with Jacket Media Co for some time as a regular contributor to our most popular publication Manufacturing Outlook. Cutler brainstormed with me and contributed to the report which follows. Tom has seen all the media shifts, the transition to conference content, webinars, YouTubes, and yes, TikTok.

Balancing media coverage: forward thinking and providing a microphone

Profitable media outlets including Jacket Media Co must balance the editorial trendspotting with those of paid sponsors, content contributors, and podcast hosts and guests.

State of Industrial Media: 2022 and Beyond

The function of marketing has changed. It used to be building brand and product awareness and acquiring lead generation, particularly through digital and traditional methodologies. The marketing role is far more engaged in the industrial complex responsible for bottom line growth as an integral part of the “sales AND marketing” effort.  Salespeople are rarely responsible for following up with prospects except via LinkedIn or those about to issue a purchase order in 90 days. They are bonused and rewarded on closed activities, not advancing the longer-term sales pipeline.

Even when a PR firm is engaged, 90% of these firms have no prior relationships with members of the Manufacturing Media Consortium and are therefore pitching. Cutler reports that 100% of editorial pitches are summarily discarded when sent from an unknown source.  Alternatively, those emails get sent to advertising or sponsorship departments to sell revenue generating space. Without the prior relationships and without successful demonstration of content creation by a PR firm, it is a waste of time and money. Anyone can pitch a story, few know the culture of the publications, the readers, and the editors’ expectations. This is where expertise in content creation, succinct and precise communication, and dynamic storytelling become a paramount function whether handled internally or externally by a PR firm. 

The media kit is dead (or should be)

The fluidity of world events makes the media kit anachronistic. Two years ago, few spoke about supply chain disruption, Ukraine, oil prices, inflation, the great resignation, cybersecurity challenges, and high-level robotics. Now those topics are omnipresent. Any media calendar that was prepared in Fall of 2021 would have missed all these topics.

All editorial has multiple purposes for the reader, the publishers, and the company (paying sponsor). Ultimately, most want to know how manufacturers succeeding now and can improve moving forward. To state the obvious, potential disruptions to industrial business operations keep growing every day. There is (and will continue to be) a shortage of skilled workers. Risks are rising and difficult to mitigate. Supply chain disruptions are coming from all sides (promulgating the conversation of nearshoring).

And still these best-practice operations are failing to tell their stories. They are failing to profile their leaders, and they are failing to use the new media methodologies that all GenZers have grown up with and utilize for hours a day. This failure to connect with the new generation of communication portends a dismal outlook without immediate corrective action.


IMS Companies

IMS Companies, LLC is a diversified group of companies that are leading manufacturers of a wide range of products and solutions including a full line of enclosures and mounting systems for housing electronics, data systems and audio visual equipment; a wide range of custom cable assemblies, wire harness and electro-mechanical assemblies; and contract manufacturing solutions to original equipment manufacturers in the appliance, automotive, commercial vehicle, communications, consumer, electronics, medical and various industrial markets.

Manufacturing Technology, Industrial 4.0

Maximizing Operational Productivity with MES in Industry 4.0

Article | June 14, 2024

Enabling production agility, the top players in MES offer multiple benefits to producers and help them earn high ROIs. Read how the best MES in Industry 4.0 helps firms stay ahead of the curve. Contents 1. Manufacturing Execution System: The Excellence Executor 2. MES and Industry 4.0: A Significant Convergence 3. Core Challenges and Solutions in MES Application 4. Top MES Players Boosting Production Excellence in Industry 4.0 4.1 MasterControl 4.2 L2L 4.3 Aegis Software 4.4 Tulip Interfaces 4.5 Fulcrum 4.6 Katana 4.7 iBase-t 4.8 Parsec Automation Corp 4.9 Bright Machines 4.10 Caliber 5. Conclusion 1. Manufacturing Execution System: The Excellence Executor The modern manufacturing world demands the incorporation of innovative systems that can efficiently streamline diverse production tasks through the product lifecycle and augment productivity, effectiveness, and overall performance. Correspondingly, a manufacturing execution system (MES) caters to the demands of the shifting manufacturing sector through impressive analytics, real-time data collection, control functionalities, and complete manufacturing process management, empowering businesses to thrive amid the burgeoning trend of data exchange and automation. Essentially, an MES is an information management system that connects, manages, and oversees varied manufacturing processes. It gives stakeholders crucial insights into factory floor operations and empowers manufacturers to make intelligent decisions to minimize downtime and optimize profits. The MES in Industry 4.0 has indeed emerged as an excellence executor, promising the merits of advanced technology and facilitating the integration of smart manufacturing practices. 2. MES and Industry 4.0: A Significant Convergence An MES acts as a digital support system for manufacturers, bridging the gap between physical manufacturing processes and digital insights. With the forward-looking MES in Industry 4.0, companies can effortlessly gather and analyze data in real time, ensuring judicious resource employment and greater adaptability to industrial changes. The convergence of MES and Industry 4.0 is, therefore, highly monumental, as it empowers manufacturers and drives innovation with smart manufacturing. The system further enables businesses to leverage predictive analytics and real-time data insights, encouraging them to identify improvement zones, take corrective measures, and experiment with advanced technologies. This builds a culture of innovation and ensures a responsive manufacturing domain. Moreover, the top MES tools allow for enhanced customization, productivity, and viability, addressing the diverse needs of varied manufacturing businesses and promoting sustainability through waste minimization and improved resource utilization. 3. Core Challenges and Solutions in MES Application The adoption of MES comes with its own set of hurdles, which manufacturing companies must keep in mind to ensure effective implementation and attain desired production goals. In this regard, the core challenges faced by companies in MES adoption include: Difficulty in Integration with Pre-existing Systems Integrating MES software with existing manufacturing systems, such as SCADA and ERP, is complex and time-intensive. This complexity is further heightened in factories that rely on legacy systems, necessitating meticulous planning and execution. Data Inconsistencies and Inaccuracies Another prominent challenge in the MES integration would be the possibility of data scattering as the software collects data from diverse sources like sensors, machines, etc. A significant threat in this regard would also be the introduction of errors due to manual data entries and inaccurate data analyses because of inconsistencies in data units and formats across varied sources. Complexity Owing to Extensive Customization The unique demands of a manufacturing environment necessitate heavy customization of the MES software, leading to inflated implementation costs and deployment delays. Furthermore, scaling the MES to meet the expansion needs or more significant production volumes can take time and effort. Issues of Ensuring Compliance with Industry Regulations Manufacturing industries work within strict regulatory frameworks and are expected to meet industrial standards and requirements, like ISO standards for quality or general manufacturing. Therefore, the MES software must comply with these regulations. This notably requires thorough documentation and verification, adding to the time and cost of the software implementation. Resistance from Employees A significant challenge in the adoption of MES is opposition from the workforce. Employees familiar with their current workflows may hesitate to adopt new technology, showing apprehensions and active resistance to change and inducing disruptions in factory operations. High Implementation Costs Adopting MES software entails many expenses relating to hardware infrastructure, software licenses, customization, user training, and so on. Furthermore, budgeted costs may be exceeded due to integration difficulties or other unanticipated challenges, leading to delays and overspending. Nonetheless, companies can benefit from MES software and maximize their operational efficiency with thorough planning. Some of the pioneering solutions that manufacturers can adopt to overcome the challenges mentioned above include: Middleware Solutions Ensuring Easy Integration A carefully established strategy can ensure a smooth MES integration. Companies can achieve this goal through practical measures, such as collaborations with renowned MES vendors and IT teams and adopting flexible MES systems and APIs. Maintaining Data Consistency through Effective Governance Establishing robust data administration practices can help manufacturers secure homogeneity in data formats and units across different sources. Moreover, companies can maintain data accuracy and reliability with automated quality checks and necessary training on data entry standards. The Right Balance for Cost-effective Customization To address the challenge of costly customization, manufacturers can further analyze the areas that require customization and those that don’t. Adopting a modular architecture can help incorporate modifications seamlessly without affecting core functionalities. Furthermore, companies can ensure optimized customization through close collaborations with MES vendors and experts. Thorough Compliance with Industry Regulations Companies can collaborate with regulatory experts to establish and design MES systems, including features such as audit trails, electronic signatures, and batch records, to ensure complete adherence to industrial standards and requirements. These features enable manufacturers to ensure transparency, accountability, and undeterred compliance with industry-specific standards. Establishing a Culture of Learning for User Adoption Resistance from employees remains a significant problem when implementing MES software. Companies can effectively meet this challenge by promoting a culture of continuous learning. With carefully structured user forums, guides, and training programs, businesses can instill the necessary skills and confidence in their employees, encouraging them to embrace change and new technologies without inhibitions. Cost-benefit and Budget Evaluation for Favorable ROIs With a thorough cost-benefit analysis, companies can make intelligent decisions regarding MES expenditure and select a system that promises high ROI. Additionally, incorporating an emergency fund for unanticipated expenses into the budget and reviewing the spending plans can help avoid cost overruns. 4. Top MES Players Boosting Production Excellence in Industry-4.0 As augmenters of quality management, the top players in MES help businesses streamline their core production operations and achieve peak financial gains. Here’s a list of the leading MES software providers that render an unparalleled competitive edge to companies: 4.1 MasterControl Meeting the demands of Industry 4.0, MasterControl is a leading cloud-based quality and manufacturing software provider that focuses on curtailing expenditures, augmenting product quality, and streamlining production processes. The company’s striking MES fulfills regulations related to varied industries, especially life sciences. From ensuring paperless operations on the plant floor to limiting deviations and post-production review times, MasterControl renders multiple benefits to manufacturers, driving business success. Importantly, with an impressive array of features like electronic batch and device history records, equipment calibration, and advanced analytics, MasterControl allows unmatched control and visibility into manufacturing processes and ensures regulatory compliance while optimizing production tasks. Moreover, from providing high data accuracy through electronic logbooks to minimizing downtime and facilitating informed decision-making, the company offers a true competitive advantage to businesses, enhancing their efficiency and ROI. 4.2 L2L L2L, or Leading2Lean, provides impressive plant and production management solutions to manufacturers and induces powerful collaborations among workers across various modules, viz. L2L Dispatch, L2L Production, L2L Maintenance, L2L Connect, and L2L Studio. These modules aim to augment businesses' operational productivity. From rendering real-time visibility of floor operations to streamlining machine connectivity for quicker data access, L2L focuses on improving manufacturing tasks and reducing worker obstacles. With more than 225,000 users worldwide, L2L's platform makes production plants more proficient and cost-effective. Furthermore, operating 24/7, L2L remains committed to offering plant managers unmatched insights into floor operations, allowing easy and quick resolution of manufacturing problems. Significantly, the MES provider leverages the L2L Dispatch module for handling disruptions, L2L Production for optimizing manufacturing processes, L2L Maintenance for limiting downtime, L2L Studio for strengthening workers with tailored apps, and L2L Connect for gathering and evaluating machine data, providing comprehensive solutions for continual growth to manufacturing businesses. 4.3 Aegis Software Established in 1997, Aegis Software offers advanced software solutions to manufacturing firms through intelligence, automation, and connectivity. Being at the forefront of Industry 4.0 transformation, the company serves various industries, including automotive, military, medical, aerospace, and electronics. Through its prime offering, FactoryLogix, Aegis Software effectively augments operational speed and productivity, reducing manual data entry and assembly correction time. The company’s adaptable and modular MES, FactoryLogix, is built on an IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) backbone. It streamlines and accelerates production processes, curtailing costs and conforming to industrial regulations and standards. It further offers real-time operational visibility and empowers businesses to adapt to customer demands promptly. With IIoT connectivity and AR capabilities, FactoryLogix adds context to data, enabling intelligent decision-making and augmenting floor instructions. 4.4 Tulip Interfaces Tulip Interfaces is a prominent software provider leading frontline operations and tackling businesses’ operational challenges associated with productivity augmentation, error-proofing, and real-time data evaluation. The company focuses on empowering workforces worldwide through connected apps, enhancing their efficiency and allowing complete traceability across operations. Significantly, with a striking suite of solutions, Tulip Interfaces ensures error-free task execution through digital guidance and curtails costs through quality control measures. Furthermore, by providing digital records of all manufacturing activities, the software provider makes for regulatory compliance, allowing high traceability and operational efficiency. Also, through notable integration with machine learning, the forward-looking software provider helps operators detect flaws, reducing associated costs and work delays and promising increased revenues. 4.5 Fulcrum Promising a manufacturing SaaS platform to small and mid-sized companies, Fulcrum is an innovative manufacturing software provider that replaces traditional MRP, ERP, and CRM systems. It boasts a completely digital, paper-free workflow and stays committed to enhancing activities of all manufacturing stages, from job quoting to product shipping. It augments throughput and ROI, leveraging predictive analytics, machine learning, and advanced heuristics, and further aims to reduce employees’ operational stress. Fulcrum’s manufacturing software stands out with striking features like limitless user pricing, compliance with ITAR, and readiness for CMMC 2.0. It enables intelligent decision-making through live data connectivity and effortlessly integrates into production processes and adaptive technology, meeting the changing manufacturing needs and exemplifying a revolutionary integrated manufacturing software. 4.6 Katana Katana is a leading cloud-based software provider that aims to help both offline and online manufacturing companies manage their inventory and production processes. With an intelligent auto-booking engine, Katana’s software optimizes workflows and enables manufacturers to meet production deadlines effectively. It further automates routine tasks and renders real-time insights into businesses’ daily operations, ensuring well-informed decisions and enhanced performance. The platform provider offers tools for complete inventory control and traceability, as well as data analysis capabilities for detailed oversight. It also optimizes manufacturing operations based on bills of materials and streamlines sales order handling, supporting multi-currency transactions, omnichannel integration, and partial shipping. Furthermore, it allows for cloud accounting integration and promises warehouse management tools, minimizing errors and augmenting overall productivity. 4.7 iBase-t Founded in 1986, iBase-t is a forward-looking company providing tailored software and consulting solutions to manufacturing firms. The company specifically endeavors to enhance the operational efficiency of diverse industries, such as defense, electronics, medical, aerospace, and shipbuilding, offering solutions like manufacturing execution systems, supplier quality management, enterprise quality management systems, and manufacturing intelligence (MI). Implementing Industry 4.0 strategies, the company affords unmatched precision in manufacturing operations, enabling manufacturers to quickly acclimate to changing industry trends and demands. The company’s Solumina platform correspondingly comes with an impressive suite of solutions. This includes an innovative MES that effortlessly integrates with Industry 4.0 technologies and provides real-time data insights to businesses. Furthermore, add-ons like MI bring advancements and proficiency in manufacturing. 4.8 Parsec Automation Corp From optimizing production processes to enhancing visibility and control, Parsec Automation Corp provides pioneering solutions that improve safety and productivity in manufacturing operations across different sectors, such as packaged goods, automotive, and pharmaceuticals. Through its leading MES platform, TrakSYS, the company equips manufacturers with promising tools and real-time data insights for optimized production and sound decision-making. Prominently, the company’s innovative MES platform allows manufacturers to leverage pre-defined solutions to meet common challenges associated with inventory management, compliance, OEE, and SPC. The platform further integrates with systems like PLC, SCADA, ERP, and IoT and boasts batch management and traceability tools, enabling manufacturing companies to improve product quality, compliance, and operational efficiency. 4.9 Bright Machines Bright Machines is a front-running software and robotics company that provides wide-ranging automation solutions to manufacturing firms. As a dedicated solutions provider, the company focuses on adaptable automated assembly and AI hardware frameworks to increase manufacturing agility. It further refines product design by leveraging machine learning, software applications, and computer vision. From enabling flexible manufacturing of diverse product types on the same line to offering intelligent software-enabled capabilities, Bright Machines allows companies to enhance their operational efficiency. The company further enables prompt flaw monitoring and modifiable data tracking, encouraging businesses to focus on the most crucial data for their operations. The software provider notably delivers intelligent software-enabled functionalities, such as ML-driven visual inspection and 3D navigation, guaranteeing precision and continual monitoring during the assembly process. 4.10 Caliber Centering on quality management solutions, Caliber caters to prominent companies across varied industries, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, petrochemicals, research and drug development, etc. The company delivers influential solutions to manufacturers through its impressive portfolio, ensuring productivity, compliance, and automation in production processes. Through its striking array of solutions, the company promises augmented quality management processes that guarantee enhanced ROI and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, its CaliberBRM solution mechanizes production records, ensuring paperless operations and compliance with GMP and 21 CFR Part 11. The company also renders real-time data insights through CaliberDashboards for prudent decision-making, streamlining tasks, and achieving excellence. 5. Conclusion Manufacturing execution systems usher in enhanced operational productivity and further ensure regulatory compliance. Yet, businesses must build meticulous plans for MES implementation to successfully overcome the unique challenges of adopting the software, guaranteeing a promising transition to more innovative production practices. Notably, the future trends in MES in Industry 4.0 will see an increase in the incorporation of AI and IoT. Furthermore, an emphasis on blockchain integration and the adoption of handheld AR devices will be placed with a focus on improving transparency, training, and quality control operations. MES platforms will also remain pivotal in ensuring data security and sustainability, promoting companies’ green initiatives. Overall, the future of MES would witness the system’s continual customization to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0, enabling companies to stay ahead in the competitive business world.

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CAD Software

The Strategic Edge: Best CAD Software Empowering Decision-Makers

Article | May 2, 2024

With easy simulation and assumption testing, 3D CAD software is revolutionizing design decisions in manufacturing. Read to learn about the best CAD software for optimizing designs effectively. Contents 1. Elevating Designs with Computer-Aided Design Software 2. How CAD Makes for Better Decisions in Product Design 3. Best CAD Software Tools That Give an Edge to Manufacturers 3.1 progeCAD 3.2 CAESES 3.3 IronCAD 3.4 Physna 3.5 CADfix 3.6 123BIM Infrastructure Software 3.7 SPDRM 3.8 Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS 3.9 HOOPS Publish 3.10 RT-LAB 4. Summing Up 1. Elevating Designs with Computer-Aided Design Software Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software has brought about a crucial transformation in the manufacturing sector with complex structures and designs being now produced digitally. Manufacturers today leverage advanced CAD systems like 3D CAD or 3D solid modeling to seamlessly draw their products and structures, test and analyze the minute aspects of their product design, and take prompt corrective actions if need be. These CAD systems let users employ their 3D designs in programming production equipment, allowing adherence to the exact specifications of the design and enhancing the quality of products. Furthermore, offering manufacturers matchless accuracy and substantial scope for creativity, computer-aided manufacturing eliminates the need for physical prototypes, minimizes waste and costs, and facilitates effective decision-making. 2. How CAD Makes for Better Decisions in Product Design Product design processes have undergone significant changes with prominent CAD software upholding lean manufacturing principles and guiding the entire decision-making. The many features through which CAD programs ensure optimal decisions include: Parametric Modeling:The 3D CAD software gives many design options to the designers to choose from, enabling them to use parametric modeling and tools for multiple other operations for precise product development. Clear Visualization:Users can leverage CAD tools to get a clear idea of how a product will eventually look, even before it is produced. This lets them contemplate and make better decisions regarding the design's appearance and feasibility. Design Testing:CAD tools for simulation and analysis help engineers and designers to gauge the functionality and behavior of a design, enabling them to not only verify their designs or assumptions but also elevate them. Design Repetition:The robust CAD environment provides space for fast prototyping and iterative design processes, allowing designers to make and modify multiple design repetitions after detailed analysis. Cost Estimates:By generating detailed lists of materials and corresponding cost estimates, CAD empowers decision-makers to understand the design's economic viability and make smart budgetary decisions accordingly. Collaboration and Feedback:With collaboration and sharing features, CAD software allows manufacturing design teams to work together from remote locations, share their feedback, and track changes, enhancing the overall design outcomes. Compliance to Regulations:CAD software also often allows companies to check their designs against the established industry standards, helping the decision-makers ensure that their products meet all legal requirements. 3. Best CAD Software Tools That Give an Edge to Manufacturers The present-day CAD software tools offer multiple advantages to manufacturers, from enabling them to produce optimized 3D designs to ensuring exceptional manufacturing process management. 3.1 progeCAD A comprehensive product of progeSOFT, progeCAD IntelliCAD is a prominent 2D and 3D CAD software specifically designed for users seeking DWG file format compatibility. Offering a suitable alternative to AutoCAD, the software comes with perpetual licensing and an array of promising features that can meet diverse design requirements. progeCAD: The Perfect AutoCAD Alternative With progeCAD, users can easily create quick architectural layouts, convert PDFs to DWGs, use geolocations with interactive background maps, and much more to bring their design ideas to life. Easy Transition for AutoCAD Users:Owing to its notable similarity with the AutoCAD interface, progeCAD allows for an easy transition to its platform for AutoCAD users, maximizing their creativity and ensuring optimal productivity. Compatibility with DWG Format:With progeCAD, users can open, modify, and save DWG files easily, leveraging the software’s high compatibility with AutoCAD files. The tool further allows one-click PDF to DWG conversion of files and batch conversions of editable PDFs in a folder. 2D and 3D Modeling:The CAD software allows for the creation of precise 2D drawings and 3D models with its diverse tools and features, which let users add dimensions to designs, create and edit geometry, and generate 3D models seamlessly. Packed with Advanced Tools:With a one-off payment for progeCAD, professionals can leverage many advanced tools, including the vectorizer, format converter, photorealistic render, etc., within a single software package and with no extra cost. EasyArch – Architecture Plugin:The creativity-boosting EasyArch plugin has been included in the CAD software, which offers an architect-friendly workspace, allowing users to undertake architectural design with tools for creating roofs, stairs, walls, etc. 3.2 CAESES Simplifying the designing processes for engineers, CAESES is a comprehensive CAD engine that allows manufacturers to create robust geometries, which effortlessly combine into optimization loops. Also compatible with HPC cluster and Linux, the tool empowers decision-makers by enabling them to undertake quick and detailed design studies, leveraging effective meshing and simulation tools. What Makes CAESES an Ideal Choice for Designers CAESES is equipped with impressive features for quick optimization, CFD simulation, and process automation and is especially beneficial for simulation engineers, rendering them an all-encompassing solution for their operations. Focus on Automation: Offering complete and clean models, the promising CAD engine focuses on automating tasks and generating complex geometries without manual intervention and with greater precision. Geometries That Work: With CAESES, users can make simple, feasible designs with fewer parameters for easy optimization and leverage design constraints for their models, like hard points, minimum distances to keep, etc. Easy Scripting: CAESES is a command-based platform that allows designers to create scripts to control all actions through commands triggered in the UI's background, rendering greater flexibility in analysis and modeling. Morphing and Deformation Techniques: With tools to create optimal designs, CAESES also lets the users leverage shape morphing and deformation techniques, allowing faster optimization of existing geometries like mesh. Smooth Integration: Connecting smoothly with existing tools, CAESES carries out simulations and has built-in ways to optimize shapes and study parameters. It allows automated analysis and combines seamlessly with various optimization tools. A CAD for CFD: Specifically made for CFD simulations, CAESES helps designers make complex shapes and designs. It further allows for automatic meshing and CFD analysis for neat, closed, and color-coded geometries made as per boundary details. 3.3 IronCAD IronCAD is an award-winning 3D and 2D modeling design solution that is known for its inventive design approach and collaborative environment. The solution is used by designers who seek to make quick design proposals and iterations, rendering them a start-point catalog of 3D shapes that can be dragged and dropped into the model. IronCAD: A Designer’s Favorite With promising tools for designing operations, IronCAD has emerged as a designer’s favorite and is being used extensively for guiding decision-making through its inventive features like: Innovative Catalog Tools: Designers using IronCAD leverage fully customizable catalogs and its patented drag-and-drop Smart Assembly technology, which let them seamlessly organize, use, and reuse components, parts, shapes, or assemblies. Also, through its SmartPaint eye-dropper, users can drop visual characteristics of a part or face into a catalog. Dual Kernel Model: IronCAD is the only design solution with dual kernels, ACIS and PARASOLID, which allow greater adaptability in import and export and the ability to change or utilize both in the modeling process. Thus, users can freely design concepts and choose from direct, parametric, or a combination of both modalities on demand while developing their products. Patented TriBall Visualization Tool: One of its most striking features, TriBall visualization tool enables users to quickly align, readjust, resize, and move parts, components, assemblies, and sketches, enhancing output quality and minimizing the designing time. Unified Designing Environment: Irrespective of its complexity, a 3D model created using IronCAD uses only one file, eliminating the requirement for external links. Users can further store their parts, features, and assembly data in catalogs and include the frequently used parts and assemblies in such catalogs for quick access. Sheet Metal-specific Tools: The software comes with an impressive catalog of sheet metal parts. It empowers users to work with unique folding, bending, and flattening tools and enables them to make precise sheet metal assemblies and components. Constraint Flexibility: Unlike traditional CAD, which implements constraints automatically based on past actions, IronCAD gives users greater flexibility by using feature-based history without applying the constraints by default. 3.4 Physna Physna is a dynamic geometric search engine, which provides the users with tools to analyze and design products and transforms 3D models into detailed data that is understandable to computers. An incredible choice for decision-makers, Physna allows them to make predictions, safeguard supply chains, and leverage cost-saving opportunities for business augmentation. Uncovering Physna as an Industry-leading Solution With its imposing range of tools, Physna is emerging as an industry-leading solution, for it offers its users the abilities of: 3D Search and Quick Designs: Leveraging AI technology, Physna enables users to locate parts within parts and subassemblies seamlessly. This reduces human error and the need for bills of materials, rendering the procurement process more efficient. Additionally, the software ensures faster designs and less ‘time to market’ through tools to quickly locate, analyze and utilize 3D models. Easy and Flexible Integration: Integrating easily with existing systems like CAD, PDM, ERP, PLM, and more with the Physna platform, the software simplifies workflows and ensures quicker and better outputs. Making Smarter Decisions: With advanced tools to visualize part usage and receive insights, users get an idea of where different items are used or could be used, along with custom predictions that help them gauge time-saving and cost-effective opportunities or supply chain elevation. Building Resilient Supply Chains: By finding production alternatives, Physna ensures the establishment of robust supply chains, helping designers make better decisions for meeting the associated risks and challenges more effectively. 3.5 CADfix A prominent software solution for a vast range of CAD model operations, International Technegroup’s CADfix allows users to refine, repair, translate, heal, and simplify CAD models for use in CAM, CAD, and CAE applications. The solution is presented as both desktop and server solution and offers substantial adaptability to address the various needs of users. How CADfix is Fixing Designing Processes Offering comprehensive tools to optimize CAD models, CADfix is indeed a design-fixing software with notable highlights like: Simplification of Complex Models: With CADfix’s interactive tools, CAD models can be simplified for advanced analysis applications. Users can manually collapse points, remove unwanted holes and protrusions, connect short-edged chains, and much more. Impressive Interoperability: CADfix seamlessly works with various CAD formats and systems, allowing easy data exchange with different CAD software, greater compatibility, and integration into different engineering workflows. Multiple Modes: Users can leverage the forward-looking CAD software in different modes, including batch, wizard, and diagnostic, which gives them the option to fix their design problems either automatically or interactively. Sophisticated Healing and Repair Engine: With an advanced healing and repairing engine, IronCAD allows for the effective correction of geometric and topological flaws, ensuring error-free product designs and enhanced feasibility. STL Creation and Reverse Engineering: CADfix supports STL creation with both the ‘minimal’ and ‘quality’ versions and reverse engineering, allowing users to assimilate the functionality of objects and create more detailed 3D models. Superlative Geometry Morphing: Effectively morphing or deforming CAD model geometry, CADfix ensures that these geometries match CAE’s displacement results. The software’s morphing feature creates precise, smooth, and well-defined model geometry that can be exported to CAE for subsequent analysis and re-meshing or back to CAD as a functional model. 3.6 123BIM Infrastructure Software 123BIM Infrastructure Software provides the perfect platform for converting complex, intricate designs from any CAD platform into 3D models, which could be uploaded to the cloud for further collaboration. Used specifically for infrastructure projects, RDV’s 123BIM is trusted by US transportation departments and engineering companies for civil infrastructure projects. Exploring the Merits of 123BIM Infrastructure Software 123BIM allows for seamless conversion of designs made with CAD platforms into 3D models. Besides, with its notable components, it offers decision-making prowess to manufacturers along with merits like: Accessibility: With 123BIM, users can easily view, share, and move around their 3D models from any computer using any web browser. Data-based Interactive 3D Models: The software uses the company’s project data such as maps, surveys, and design files to create interactive 3D models and enhance the evaluation of design feasibility in the real world. Leading Infrastructure Software: 123BIM SaaS platform is trusted by departments of engineering and transportation companies in the US for infrastructure projects of all sizes and scopes that demand regular engagement with the public and support from stakeholders. Multi-component Solution: Comprising 3 components viz. 123BIM, 123BIM Virtual Tour, and 123BIM Navigator, the software allows users to view and deliberate upon their designs from any computer, take guided tours of 3D models for better decision-making, and engage in offline work, respectively. Photorealism and High-quality Visuals: The software uses BIM technology to create highly realistic visual representations of infrastructure projects, covering everything from preliminary sketches to final designs. It also makes detailed animations and graphics and facilitates comparison between old and new designs. 3.7 SPDRM BETA CAE’s Simulation Process Data and Resources Manager (SPDRM) is a comprehensive solution for CAE workflow management. Combining different aspects of CAE workflow within a unified platform, this CAD analysis tool optimizes simulation tasks effectively and empowers decision-makers by providing them with comprehensive reports on simulation outcomes. Standout Qualities of SPDRM From resource optimization to task automation, SPDRM comes with many standout features, such as: Effective Data Management: By centralizing all CAD analysis or CAE data, SPDRM provides excellent accessibility to its users. It further entails a flexible version control system that tracks data dependencies and simplifies data chain identification. Excellent Automation: With SPDRM, routine tasks can be automated easily, while complex processes are streamlined with clear visibility into the status of each process for optimal decision-making. This feature not only minimizes human error but also enhances efficiency. Resource Management: Offering tools for human and non-human resources, SPDRM renders complete control to the system administrator for managing all organizational resources, including user accounts. Moreover, with its ‘Registered Applications Console’, applications needed for the work can be registered, ensuring smooth workflows. All-encompassing Reports: SPDRM strengthens the decision-making process by offering comprehensive reports and dashboards to the concerned supervisors, showing the performance and outcomes of various simulation projects for further evaluation. 3.8 Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS A part of Oqton’s impressive portfolio, Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS is a robust reverse engineering software that allows users to bring in, manipulate, and transform polygon meshes and point clouds into feasible CAD sketches, solids, and surfaces directly into the SOLIDWORKS setup. The software further extracts features from scan data and augments reverse engineering process effectively. Why Choose Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS Equipped with multiple advanced tools like surface construction, point cloud processing, mesh to CAD conversion, etc., Geomagic facilitates the easy creation of superlative CAD models. Its features include: Easy Import and Direct Scanning: Geomagic allows for the import and scanning of data into the SOLIDWORKS environment, which can be done using the majority of 3D scanners available in the market today. Precise Replication in Manufacturing: Offering a powerful solution for creating high-quality duplicates of CAD objects, Geomagic SOLIDWORKS is particularly prominent in the manufacturing industry, for it allows for accurate replication of single or multiple objects with customizable scaling and modifications. Feature Extraction: With Geomagic, users can seamlessly extract elements like surfaces, sketches, and solids from scanned data, facilitating the creation of CAD models from scanned objects. Advanced Toolset: Providing users with the capabilities of analyzing and using 3D scan data, Geomagic SOLIDWORKS comes with an advanced toolset, which includes tools for parametric modeling, creating complex surfaces, and refining mesh data precisely. 3.9 HOOPS Publish Rolled out by Tech Soft 3D, HOOPS Publish provides users with a platform to create interactive 3D PDF documents with CAD models and publish wide-ranging data from different applications to the web. A preferred choice for many manufacturing companies, the software allows for detailed documentation and further supports compliance with industry standards for data sharing and document creation. Best Features at a Glance Creating dynamic documents, including work reports and instructions, HOOPS Publish offers many notable features to its users like: PDF Creation and Web Publishing: With HOOPS Publish, users can seamlessly embed CAD models into PDF documents, enhancing the accessibility and interactivity of complex data. Also, user engagement can be increased using the software as it facilitates the publishing of 3D data on the web. Effective Archiving: In addition to visualizing and interacting with CAD models, HOOPS Publish also enables users to create comprehensive data-rich documents for archiving, including elements like 3D models, texts, tables, Word documents, and Excel spreadsheets. Integration of Data: The dynamic software effortlessly integrates various types of data, entailing images and metadata, to make rich, multifaceted documents. Tailored Templates: Rendering the ability to create customized documents as per organization’s needs, HOOPS Publish offers ready-made templates to users that streamline document generation process and could be tailored to make standardized documents. 3.10 RT-Lab OPAL-RT’s RT-LAB lets users simulate complex systems, including CAD models, inreal time, enablingthe evaluation of system feasibility andguiding thedecision-making processes.With features like a monitoring dashboard, data integration, and remote access, RT-LAB is preferred by businesses looking for high-speed simulations. RT-Lab: An Optimal Choice for Real-time Simulation Combining with CAD software, RT-Lab facilitates optimal decision-making through its features like monitoring dashboards and data handling. Quick, Real-time Simulation: Facilitating quick creation and validation of CAD models and applications, RT-LAB allows for real-time simulation of intricate systems. User-friendly Dashboards: RT Lab combines significant information and controls within a single interface, enabling users to manage and access various parts of their simulation projects from one place. Seamless FPGA Integration: Augmenting simulation performance and capabilities, RT-LAB allows users to easily incorporate Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) into their simulation projects for detailed and quick HIL testing. Remote Connectivity: With RT-LAB, users can easily manage and access their simulation projects from afar, which increases flexibility and allows for optimal collaboration among the team members. 4. Summing Up Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software has transformed the manufacturing sector, offering robust decision-making support, 3D modeling, and collaboration tools to manufacturers worldwide. Today, optimal productivity can be ensured by leveraging notable CAD software like the ones mentioned above, which address the unique needs of manufacturers, from simulation to documentation. Importantly, efficient decision-making is made possible with the advanced features of CAD software, streamlining workflows and ensuring greater outputs.

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Achieving Interoperability in an Industry 4.0 Factory

Article | February 11, 2020

As a part of the Industry 4.0 movement, factory engineers are increasingly adopting some form of industrial Ethernet to interconnect the machines and other equipment implementing their production processes. Ethernet has been around in multiple forms for over 40 years. Most of it serves the IT community by interconnecting PCs and other equipment to a company LAN. Because of its flexibility, Ethernet has been adapted to many industrial uses.

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The Impact of Coronavirus on Electronic Manufacturing

Article | February 11, 2020

Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, is considered a crucial hub in the middle of China, a place of high importance for the production of automobiles, electronics, optics, and fiber optics. Wuhan and surrounding cities in the Hubei province are currently on a government-imposed quarantine at a scale the world has never seen before, some Chinese officials have referred to the situation as warlike.

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IMS Companies

IMS Companies, LLC is a diversified group of companies that are leading manufacturers of a wide range of products and solutions including a full line of enclosures and mounting systems for housing electronics, data systems and audio visual equipment; a wide range of custom cable assemblies, wire harness and electro-mechanical assemblies; and contract manufacturing solutions to original equipment manufacturers in the appliance, automotive, commercial vehicle, communications, consumer, electronics, medical and various industrial markets.

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Industrial 4.0

ACL Digital with Tidal Wave to Drive Industry 4.0 Transformation

ACL Digital | October 09, 2023

•The agreement will integrate both organizations' key expertise to create private 5G solutions with lightning-fast speeds, URLLC, and mMTC. •The alliance is committed to providing personalized 5G solutions for manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, and other industries. •With operations on different continents, the joint offerings will benefit businesses worldwide, assuring local regulatory compliance and regional adaptation. •The cooperation provides advanced 5G infrastructure, consultancy, deployment, maintenance, and continual upgrades. ACL Digital and Tidal Wave have joined forces to establish a private 5G alliance aimed at advancing Industry 4.0 transformations. The partnership seeks to empower businesses with cutting-edge private 5G technology, enhancing operations and productivity across telecom and enterprise verticals. This alliance leverages ACL Digital's digital transformation and system integration expertise with Tidal Wave's private 5G knowledge to offer tailored solutions for connected factories, smart ports, industrial automation, and more. The collaboration will focus on delivering solutions for connected factories and warehouses, smart ports, smart manufacturing, industrial automation, real-time asset tracking remote monitoring and control. This partnership will extend to every region of the world, ensuring local compliance with regulations and allowing for regional adaptation. Its goal is to ensure compatibility and confident deployment of private 5G systems while delivering comprehensive engineering solutions and client support. Ramandeep Singh, CEO of ACL Digital, remarked that through their collaboration with Tidal Wave, they were initiating a journey into the changing realm of private 5G. He noted that the combination of ACL Digital's system integration capabilities and Tidal Wave's expertise would mark the beginning of a fresh phase in network transformation for their clients. Ramandeep highlighted that this alliance positioned them to lead global digital transformation initiatives, leveraging the significant potential of 5G to enhance various industries by adopting private networks. He added that this partnership would empower customers to improve their operations and productivity using the latest 5G technologies. Ankit Dixit, CEO of Tidal Wave, conveyed that in ACL Digital, they had found a partner who not only shared their forward-looking vision and practical approach to an interconnected industrial future but also effectively complemented their strengths. He mentioned that this collaboration established a new standard for innovative product offerings and a robust framework for execution and support. Ankit emphasized that the intricate customization required for implementing private 5G networks called for seamless cooperation between their two organizations, and he noted that this partnership operated exceptionally well between both entities.

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Industrial 4.0

Telit Cinterion and Nestlé Brazil Partner on Private 5G for Industry 4.0 Factory Automation

PR Newswire | August 24, 2023

Telit Cinterion, a global enabler of the intelligent edge, today announced completion of a successful proof-of-concept trial of private 5G for factory automation. Conducted in partnership with Nestlé Brazil, the trial showcases why and how manufacturers are increasingly making 5G a foundational component of their Industry 4.0 transformation strategies. Many manufacturers are considering or already implementing 5G, including private 5G networks, a global trend that will be worth $109 billion by 2030. Nestlé conducted the trial at Parque Tecnologico São José dos Campos, a government-sponsored research park where it is one of the resident companies exploring next-generation technologies and business processes. The trial focused on how Nestlé could use 5G to connect autonomous manufacturing robots and automated guided vehicles at their plants like the one in Caçapava, Brazil. The trial used the Telit Cinterion 5G FT980-WW evaluation kit, which features the FN980 module. Based on the 3GPP Rel. 15 standard, the FN980m supports all major 5G frequency bands, giving private networks maximum deployment flexibility. The Nestlé trial focused on the use of sub-6 GHz spectrum. "Telit Cinterion has been a partner of Nestlé since we began conducting the first tests using 5G technology at Nestlé's Innovation and Technology Center (CIT) at the São José dos Campos Technology Park. We are very pleased with this unprecedented joint work, which is so important for the national industry," explained Gustavo Moura, Digital Transformation Program Manager for Operations at Nestlé Brazil. "Nestlé Brazil is one of several recent Latin America 5G factory automation trials that Telit Cinterion has been part of, which shows that manufacturers across the region see 5G as key for ensuring the success of their Industry 4.0 migration," said Neset Yalcinkaya, SVP Sales Americas at Telit Cinterion. "This successful trial also is the latest example of how manufacturers, systems integrators, and others turn to Telit Cinterion for private 5G factory automation and PoC trials." About Telit Cinterion Telit Cinterion is a global enabler of the intelligent edge providing complete solutions that reduce time to market and costs, delivering custom designed, ready for market connected devices in addition to maintaining the industry's broadest portfolio of enterprise-grade wireless communication and positioning modules, cellular MVNO connectivity plans and management services, edge-cloud software and data orchestration, and IoT and Industrial IoT platforms. As the largest western provider pioneering IoT innovation, Telit Cinterion delivers award-winning and highly secure IoT solutions, modules and services for the industry's top brands.

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Industrial Data

Sight Machine Factory CoPilot Democratizes Industrial Data With Generative AI

Globenewswire | July 28, 2023

Sight Machine Inc. today announced the release of Factory CoPilot, democratizing industrial data through the power of generative artificial intelligence. By integrating Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, Factory CoPilot brings unprecedented ease of access to manufacturing problem solving, analysis and reporting. Using a natural language user interface similar to ChatGPT, Factory CoPilot offers an intuitive, “ask the expert” experience for all manufacturing stakeholders, regardless of data proficiency. In response to a single question, Factory CoPilot can automatically summarize all relevant data and information about production in real-time (e.g., for daily meetings) and generate user-friendly reports, emails, charts and other content (in any language) about the performance of any machine, line or plant across the manufacturing enterprise, based on contextualized data in the Sight Machine platform. Factory CoPilot guides users through root cause analysis and drill-down investigation for faster diagnosis of issues. Streaming data from across machines, lines and plants enables continuous system-wide analysis and insights, identifying the causes of unplanned downtime, slow-running machines or quality issues, and enabling continuous manufacturing process improvement. Factory CoPilot empowers team members with real-time results and insights from production queries, such as KPI reporting, performance comparisons, trend and correlation analyses, data source availability reports, and recommendations on optimal settings and production recipes. “Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform has been a critical part of IPG’s success in using data to continuously improve and scale manufacturing productivity. We value Sight Machine’s leadership in bringing generative AI to manufacturing together with Microsoft,” said Jai Sundararaman, Chief Transformation Officer leading Innovation & Digital Transformation, Intertape Polymer Group Inc. (IPG). “Factory CoPilot has the potential to dramatically expand the reach and impact of our data-driven transformation initiatives, empowering our front-line with easy to use tools and valuable insights to enhance decision making and operations.” Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform Offers A Single Source of Truth on Production The power of Factory CoPilot is based on its integration with Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform (MDP), which captures the entire manufacturing process in a single, secure industrial data foundation, contextualizing all plant data and incorporating data from all sensors, machines, lines and plants operated by a company. MDP automates the process of blending and transforming streaming data from all manufacturing data sources, enabling system-level understanding of production, and uses AI to continuously enrich the data foundation with new levels of insight. Because Factory CoPilot draws its information from the fully contextualized data foundation that Sight Machine’s platform creates for each manufacturing customer, users can be confident that the results are complete and accurate, without worrying about the “hallucinations” that generative AI systems can invent when they lack real data. All generative output is backed by validated source references to increase trust and empower confidence, enabling a bias for action. At all times, the underlying data and generated results are protected and remain secure, exclusively available within each customer's managed Azure environment. “Generative AI has immense potential in manufacturing, but AI can’t work with raw factory data,” said Sight Machine CEO and Co-Founder Jon Sobel. “In order to transform manufacturing in a way that is scalable, affordable and manageable, AI needs the fully contextualized data that Sight Machine’s universal data foundation provides. We look forward to working closely with clients and our partners at Microsoft to make this technology widely available.” Sight Machine’s integration of Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service continues a multi-year collaboration that helps manufacturers around the world transform their business and unlock new levels of productivity and sustainability with leading cloud, data and AI-powered technology. On July 18, Sight Machine was certified as a launch partner for Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing, and in October 2022, Sight Machine introduced Sight Machine Blueprint, developed in collaboration with NVIDIA and Microsoft, which uses AI for high-speed, automated data labeling, enabling manufacturers to analyze up to 100x more of their data. “Microsoft and its ecosystem are committed to Industrial Metaverse and making the deep investments needed to support global industry transformation,” said Çağlayan Arkan, Vice President, Global Sales Lead, Industrial Metaverse Strategy and Sales, Manufacturing and Supply Chain at Microsoft. “We are proud to collaborate and innovate with Sight Machine as together we bring practical, useful solutions to the world’s factories and plants.” About Sight Machine Sight Machine helps Global 500 Manufacturers unlock the power of industrial data to increase profitability, productivity, and sustainability. Purpose-built for manufacturing, Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform creates a common data foundation and utilizes AI/ML to support real-time decision making. Through a data-first approach, Sight Machine captures and contextualizes data from the entire factory to deliver a systemwide view of the end-to-end manufacturing process. Data becomes democratized, empowering all stakeholders — from executives to plant managers and operators — to drive and scale productivity improvements across the enterprise. Founded by a team with deep manufacturing industry expertise, Sight Machine has offices in San Francisco and Ann Arbor, Mich.

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Industrial 4.0

ACL Digital with Tidal Wave to Drive Industry 4.0 Transformation

ACL Digital | October 09, 2023

•The agreement will integrate both organizations' key expertise to create private 5G solutions with lightning-fast speeds, URLLC, and mMTC. •The alliance is committed to providing personalized 5G solutions for manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, and other industries. •With operations on different continents, the joint offerings will benefit businesses worldwide, assuring local regulatory compliance and regional adaptation. •The cooperation provides advanced 5G infrastructure, consultancy, deployment, maintenance, and continual upgrades. ACL Digital and Tidal Wave have joined forces to establish a private 5G alliance aimed at advancing Industry 4.0 transformations. The partnership seeks to empower businesses with cutting-edge private 5G technology, enhancing operations and productivity across telecom and enterprise verticals. This alliance leverages ACL Digital's digital transformation and system integration expertise with Tidal Wave's private 5G knowledge to offer tailored solutions for connected factories, smart ports, industrial automation, and more. The collaboration will focus on delivering solutions for connected factories and warehouses, smart ports, smart manufacturing, industrial automation, real-time asset tracking remote monitoring and control. This partnership will extend to every region of the world, ensuring local compliance with regulations and allowing for regional adaptation. Its goal is to ensure compatibility and confident deployment of private 5G systems while delivering comprehensive engineering solutions and client support. Ramandeep Singh, CEO of ACL Digital, remarked that through their collaboration with Tidal Wave, they were initiating a journey into the changing realm of private 5G. He noted that the combination of ACL Digital's system integration capabilities and Tidal Wave's expertise would mark the beginning of a fresh phase in network transformation for their clients. Ramandeep highlighted that this alliance positioned them to lead global digital transformation initiatives, leveraging the significant potential of 5G to enhance various industries by adopting private networks. He added that this partnership would empower customers to improve their operations and productivity using the latest 5G technologies. Ankit Dixit, CEO of Tidal Wave, conveyed that in ACL Digital, they had found a partner who not only shared their forward-looking vision and practical approach to an interconnected industrial future but also effectively complemented their strengths. He mentioned that this collaboration established a new standard for innovative product offerings and a robust framework for execution and support. Ankit emphasized that the intricate customization required for implementing private 5G networks called for seamless cooperation between their two organizations, and he noted that this partnership operated exceptionally well between both entities.

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Industrial 4.0

Telit Cinterion and Nestlé Brazil Partner on Private 5G for Industry 4.0 Factory Automation

PR Newswire | August 24, 2023

Telit Cinterion, a global enabler of the intelligent edge, today announced completion of a successful proof-of-concept trial of private 5G for factory automation. Conducted in partnership with Nestlé Brazil, the trial showcases why and how manufacturers are increasingly making 5G a foundational component of their Industry 4.0 transformation strategies. Many manufacturers are considering or already implementing 5G, including private 5G networks, a global trend that will be worth $109 billion by 2030. Nestlé conducted the trial at Parque Tecnologico São José dos Campos, a government-sponsored research park where it is one of the resident companies exploring next-generation technologies and business processes. The trial focused on how Nestlé could use 5G to connect autonomous manufacturing robots and automated guided vehicles at their plants like the one in Caçapava, Brazil. The trial used the Telit Cinterion 5G FT980-WW evaluation kit, which features the FN980 module. Based on the 3GPP Rel. 15 standard, the FN980m supports all major 5G frequency bands, giving private networks maximum deployment flexibility. The Nestlé trial focused on the use of sub-6 GHz spectrum. "Telit Cinterion has been a partner of Nestlé since we began conducting the first tests using 5G technology at Nestlé's Innovation and Technology Center (CIT) at the São José dos Campos Technology Park. We are very pleased with this unprecedented joint work, which is so important for the national industry," explained Gustavo Moura, Digital Transformation Program Manager for Operations at Nestlé Brazil. "Nestlé Brazil is one of several recent Latin America 5G factory automation trials that Telit Cinterion has been part of, which shows that manufacturers across the region see 5G as key for ensuring the success of their Industry 4.0 migration," said Neset Yalcinkaya, SVP Sales Americas at Telit Cinterion. "This successful trial also is the latest example of how manufacturers, systems integrators, and others turn to Telit Cinterion for private 5G factory automation and PoC trials." About Telit Cinterion Telit Cinterion is a global enabler of the intelligent edge providing complete solutions that reduce time to market and costs, delivering custom designed, ready for market connected devices in addition to maintaining the industry's broadest portfolio of enterprise-grade wireless communication and positioning modules, cellular MVNO connectivity plans and management services, edge-cloud software and data orchestration, and IoT and Industrial IoT platforms. As the largest western provider pioneering IoT innovation, Telit Cinterion delivers award-winning and highly secure IoT solutions, modules and services for the industry's top brands.

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Industrial Data

Sight Machine Factory CoPilot Democratizes Industrial Data With Generative AI

Globenewswire | July 28, 2023

Sight Machine Inc. today announced the release of Factory CoPilot, democratizing industrial data through the power of generative artificial intelligence. By integrating Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, Factory CoPilot brings unprecedented ease of access to manufacturing problem solving, analysis and reporting. Using a natural language user interface similar to ChatGPT, Factory CoPilot offers an intuitive, “ask the expert” experience for all manufacturing stakeholders, regardless of data proficiency. In response to a single question, Factory CoPilot can automatically summarize all relevant data and information about production in real-time (e.g., for daily meetings) and generate user-friendly reports, emails, charts and other content (in any language) about the performance of any machine, line or plant across the manufacturing enterprise, based on contextualized data in the Sight Machine platform. Factory CoPilot guides users through root cause analysis and drill-down investigation for faster diagnosis of issues. Streaming data from across machines, lines and plants enables continuous system-wide analysis and insights, identifying the causes of unplanned downtime, slow-running machines or quality issues, and enabling continuous manufacturing process improvement. Factory CoPilot empowers team members with real-time results and insights from production queries, such as KPI reporting, performance comparisons, trend and correlation analyses, data source availability reports, and recommendations on optimal settings and production recipes. “Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform has been a critical part of IPG’s success in using data to continuously improve and scale manufacturing productivity. We value Sight Machine’s leadership in bringing generative AI to manufacturing together with Microsoft,” said Jai Sundararaman, Chief Transformation Officer leading Innovation & Digital Transformation, Intertape Polymer Group Inc. (IPG). “Factory CoPilot has the potential to dramatically expand the reach and impact of our data-driven transformation initiatives, empowering our front-line with easy to use tools and valuable insights to enhance decision making and operations.” Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform Offers A Single Source of Truth on Production The power of Factory CoPilot is based on its integration with Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform (MDP), which captures the entire manufacturing process in a single, secure industrial data foundation, contextualizing all plant data and incorporating data from all sensors, machines, lines and plants operated by a company. MDP automates the process of blending and transforming streaming data from all manufacturing data sources, enabling system-level understanding of production, and uses AI to continuously enrich the data foundation with new levels of insight. Because Factory CoPilot draws its information from the fully contextualized data foundation that Sight Machine’s platform creates for each manufacturing customer, users can be confident that the results are complete and accurate, without worrying about the “hallucinations” that generative AI systems can invent when they lack real data. All generative output is backed by validated source references to increase trust and empower confidence, enabling a bias for action. At all times, the underlying data and generated results are protected and remain secure, exclusively available within each customer's managed Azure environment. “Generative AI has immense potential in manufacturing, but AI can’t work with raw factory data,” said Sight Machine CEO and Co-Founder Jon Sobel. “In order to transform manufacturing in a way that is scalable, affordable and manageable, AI needs the fully contextualized data that Sight Machine’s universal data foundation provides. We look forward to working closely with clients and our partners at Microsoft to make this technology widely available.” Sight Machine’s integration of Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service continues a multi-year collaboration that helps manufacturers around the world transform their business and unlock new levels of productivity and sustainability with leading cloud, data and AI-powered technology. On July 18, Sight Machine was certified as a launch partner for Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing, and in October 2022, Sight Machine introduced Sight Machine Blueprint, developed in collaboration with NVIDIA and Microsoft, which uses AI for high-speed, automated data labeling, enabling manufacturers to analyze up to 100x more of their data. “Microsoft and its ecosystem are committed to Industrial Metaverse and making the deep investments needed to support global industry transformation,” said Çağlayan Arkan, Vice President, Global Sales Lead, Industrial Metaverse Strategy and Sales, Manufacturing and Supply Chain at Microsoft. “We are proud to collaborate and innovate with Sight Machine as together we bring practical, useful solutions to the world’s factories and plants.” About Sight Machine Sight Machine helps Global 500 Manufacturers unlock the power of industrial data to increase profitability, productivity, and sustainability. Purpose-built for manufacturing, Sight Machine’s Manufacturing Data Platform creates a common data foundation and utilizes AI/ML to support real-time decision making. Through a data-first approach, Sight Machine captures and contextualizes data from the entire factory to deliver a systemwide view of the end-to-end manufacturing process. Data becomes democratized, empowering all stakeholders — from executives to plant managers and operators — to drive and scale productivity improvements across the enterprise. Founded by a team with deep manufacturing industry expertise, Sight Machine has offices in San Francisco and Ann Arbor, Mich.

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