Manufacturing Technology

What First Time Robot Owners Can Expect for Maintenance, Uptime, and Costs

December 22, 2022

What First Time Robot Owners Can Expect for Maintenance, Uptime, and Costs
Most manufacturers have a limited understanding of what it’s like to own and manage a robotic automation system. In fact, according to an MITsourced survey, 90% of U.S. manufacturers have zero robots in their facility1 .


Keysight Technologies

Keysight Technologies has the broadest range of products in the industry to accelerate deployment of your new technologies. Keysight reflects our rich heritage - a direct line from both Hewlett-Packard's standards of integrity and innovation and Agilent's premier measurement business. The name Keysight conveys the ability to see what others cannot, offering the critical or key insight to understand and unlock the changing technology landscape.

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4-step holistic manufacturing strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution

whitePaper | September 30, 2022

Until 2020, progress towards digital transformation for most manufacturers was slow. But the urgency for manufacturers to make successful digital transformations escalated during the first 8-12 months of the global pandemic. As COVID-19 reshaped consumer buying behaviors, the pace jumped from a crawl to a sprint: According to one study, 85% of organizations accelerated their digital transformation initiatives in 2020.[1] Some industry observers believe we witnessed 6.5 years of digital progress in the last eight months of 2020 alone.[2] The pandemic was largely responsible for worldwide supply chain disruptions that slowed down goods production and delivery. As a result, manufacturers justifiably focused on managing and fixing the supply chain problems first. But as the pandemic continued, it became clear that the supply chain issues were a symptom of something deeper than the short-term disruptions.

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An Additive Manufacturing Breakthrough: A How-to Guide for Scaling and Overcoming Key Challenges

whitePaper | January 11, 2022

While the technological maturity of AM has been demonstrated in specific industries, individual firms still struggle with its adoption and implementation at industrial scale. Companies underestimate the extent to which the adoption of AM is first and foremost a learning process that involves the entire value chain and requires specific AM expertise that needs to be acquired. Throughout this learning process, a wide range of challenges may hinder the progress and success of implementation.

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White Paper on Industry 4.0

whitePaper | November 12, 2022

Since the first Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing process has been revolutionised from water and steam-powered machines to electrical and automated ones. The term "Industry 4.0" or simply I4 was introduced by the German government in 2011, which encourages the use of modern technology in the manufacturing process. It defines that automation technology can be improved by offering different methods of self-configuration, self-optimisation and self-diagnosis. The fourth era of revolution (Industry 4.0) is all about connectivity trends, advanced material, processing technology, service orientation and collaboration in advanced manufacturing networks. It presents a unique level of control and coordination over the whole value chain of the products. Internet of things (IoT) and machine to machine communication (M2M) are merged to improve communication and automation. It creates a new set of design principles for effective and computerised control of the manufacturing process which includes

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Unleashing the potential growth with Data-driven Manufacturing

whitePaper | December 30, 2022

In recent years, Data and analytics capabilities have made a good progress resulting to numerous recent advancements. Majority of advancements have been made in various ways like development of more sophisticated algorithms, exponential growth in the volume of available data, and storage and computational power have uninterruptedly improved. The combination of these trends has led to business disruptions and fueling rapid technology advances.

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SOFTWARE VENDOR SELECTION Helping You Navigate the Manufacturing Technology Landscape

whitePaper | May 1, 2022

The Manufacturing Software Market The global marketplace for enterprise-class manufacturing software is complex and constantly evolving. Sure, there is no shortage of vendors competing for your business, but with dozens of companies all claiming to offer best-in-class products, how do you choose the right solution? You want to choose something that meets your current needs and will leave you room to grow without paying for bells and whistles that you'll never use. An incorrect choice could prove costly and cause more harm than good.

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Practical Application of the Industry 4.0 Concept in aSteel Company

whitePaper | December 29, 2020

Industrial production is driven by global competition and the need to quickly adapt to ever-changing market requirements [1–3]. Modern production was built on the experiences of the first industrial revolution, streamlining the operations of manufacturing plants; the second revolution, introducing electricity to industry.

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Keysight Technologies

Keysight Technologies has the broadest range of products in the industry to accelerate deployment of your new technologies. Keysight reflects our rich heritage - a direct line from both Hewlett-Packard's standards of integrity and innovation and Agilent's premier measurement business. The name Keysight conveys the ability to see what others cannot, offering the critical or key insight to understand and unlock the changing technology landscape.
