Smart Factory

Discover Your Smart Factory IQ

March 29, 2023

Discover Your Smart Factory IQ
Smart factories have various areas of strengths and weaknesses, just as people do. Strengths bring the opportunity for positive differentiation, whilst weaknesses offer challenges to address in order to deliver consistently on expectation.

Many people like to measure their IQ to see how they compare in terms of being “Smart”— so why should we not do the same for the data-driven Smart assembly factory? This helps reveal both strengths and weaknesses, builds the roadmap for improvement and development, increases visibility of unique values, and eliminates risk derived from bottlenecks and inefficiencies. It is time to put our Smart, data-driven manufacturing operation to the test, ensuring preparedness as the industry transforms toward the elusive Industry 4.0.


Nabors Industries

Nabors provides innovative drilling rigs and equipment to transform our global industry. Every day, we are exploring new territory, digging deeper into what we can achieve. From designing new rigs that deliver higher levels of safety and efficiency for our customers to setting operational performance records around the world, our people provide the rigtelligence to meet the world's demand for oil and gas while learning and growing to also enhance their future career development. Since our founding in 1952, Nabors has grown from a small land drilling business in Canada to one of the world’s largest drilling contractors. At the beginning of 1990, our fleet consisted of 44 actively marketed land drilling rigs in Canada, Alaska and various international markets. Today, Nabors owns and operates the world’s largest land-based drilling rig fleet and is a leading provider of offshore platform workover and drilling rigs in the U.S. and multiple international markets. As a global provider of ser

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whitePaper | March 23, 2022

Manufacturing organizations today and in the future will have to operate in a business and market environment that will continue to be volatile, uncertain, and complex, while operating in an increasingly digital economy. At the same time, they will have to embed sustainability targets into their operations to comply with legal regulations and customer requirements (such as reducing CO2 emissions). To thrive, manufacturing organization CEOs and C-suites need to find the right formula to balance the need to fix the present and at the same time prepare for the future. IDC Insights has designed a framework to helpcompanies thrive and to "PRIME" them for profitable outcomes and sustainable long-term business growth.

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whitePaper | August 17, 2022

The need for true customer-centricity is impossible to ignore in the manufacturing world. Disruptive technology, instant availability of information, the expectation of to-the-second service in an on-demand consumer economy have given rise to a new power balance, in which the demands of the customer call the shots – rather than the way manufacturing businesses determine they should operate. In this redrawn landscape, intelligent automation (IA) can be the difference between success and failure. But what does it take to integrate IA into a manufacturing operation – and where are its benefits felt most prominently?

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Digital Twin Technology

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

The manufacturing and production sectors grapple with significant challenges arising from component failures, which often lead to disruptive operational interruptions. The economic impact of such disruptions can be profound, with every downtime minute potentially translating into thousands of dollars in lost revenue. While regular and planned maintenance can somehow mitigate these unplanned downtimes, they are unable to completely assure against potential component failures.

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Energy Efficiency Optimization for Industrial Plants: Monitoring Parameters and Supporting Tools

whitePaper | October 26, 2022

Reducing energy costs and optimizing production processes are among the key factors of a complete digital transformation for manufacturing companies. By adopting innovative smart manufacturing solutions, companies can increase machinery efficiency, improve their production cycles as well as increase product quality. IoT platforms have proven themselves to be supportive for monitoring industrial machine processes, thus, allowing quick recovery of investment, within months, in IoT technology. IoT platforms ensure greater production efficiency.

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Advanced Actuation System and “Dynamic Follow-Through” Deliver Improved Ultrasonic Weld Quality

whitePaper | July 24, 2020

The advanced actuation system on Emerson’s new Branson GSX ultrasonic welder dynamically adjusts weld force to enable reliable assembly of plastic parts in product designs considered too small, delicate or difficult to weld before. This white paper outlines the development of the new actuation system and explains how improved force control — particularly “dynamic follow-through” after plastic melt — contributes to superior weld strength and quality. The paper also describes head-to-head tests in which the new Branson GSX actuation system outperformed existing welders with pneumatic and servo-controlled actuators by completing consistently good welds on plastic parts that could not be reliably welded in the past.

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Advanced Manufacturing in the Digital Age

whitePaper | December 1, 2022

Printed circuit assemblers need an IoT ecosystem, the cornerstone of Industry 4.0. One of the key advantages of an IoT ecosystem is that it can take siloed information, analyze it, and optimize processes across a company’s systems. Aligning IT and OT is key to the Industry 4.0 transformation and to improving manufacturing processes and leads to higher production performance and lower costs. However, it requires effective governance and tools to adapt IT project management models for use in operations.

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Nabors Industries

Nabors provides innovative drilling rigs and equipment to transform our global industry. Every day, we are exploring new territory, digging deeper into what we can achieve. From designing new rigs that deliver higher levels of safety and efficiency for our customers to setting operational performance records around the world, our people provide the rigtelligence to meet the world's demand for oil and gas while learning and growing to also enhance their future career development. Since our founding in 1952, Nabors has grown from a small land drilling business in Canada to one of the world’s largest drilling contractors. At the beginning of 1990, our fleet consisted of 44 actively marketed land drilling rigs in Canada, Alaska and various international markets. Today, Nabors owns and operates the world’s largest land-based drilling rig fleet and is a leading provider of offshore platform workover and drilling rigs in the U.S. and multiple international markets. As a global provider of ser
